Friends wanted

Hi, my name is Angelica and I looking to find new friends here on MFP to motivate and encourage each other to reach our goals!


  • racc04
    racc04 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Angelica, my name is Ruby. I would not mind some support myself. Accountability and support are greatly needed during a weight loss adventure
  • Fluffy_Jelly
    Fluffy_Jelly Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Ruby that is so true. I will send you a request.
  • That_Country_Girl82
    That_Country_Girl82 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey ! You can add me. I always need the motivation and support to
  • trishayla
    trishayla Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Trisha and I could use all the support I can get! I do OK on my own for awhile, but would be nice to have a sympathetic ear on those days I need someone to talk me off the cookie ledge! :
  • minibagz1203
    minibagz1203 Posts: 35 Member
    Hello, I need help. I always have the best intentions, then i just dont log. So add me too if you want