Question about losing weight while still drinking alcohol?

Have any of you had any luck or success with regularly keeping track of the calories in alcohol you drink while staying within your calories ?

I am somewhat of a heavy drinker. I'm having issues completely cutting it out or even cutting down on my alcohol intake to lose weight. I work in an environment where drinking is commonplace. So I'm just wondering if there's anyone here who has had success with losing weight while regularly drinking.

Thanks in advance!


  • CassondraKennedy
    CassondraKennedy Posts: 229 Member
    I have no problem fitting in a beer with dinner or a couple tequila shots on the weekends. Any more than that would probably leave me pretty hungry during the day. Not sure how you define "heavy drinking," but it might be necessary to budget your alcohol consumption if you find you're going hungry during the day or not hitting nutrient goals.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't personally have experience with it I am not a regular drinker...maybe 2 or 3x a month.

    But I see it all the's about calories so if you stay in goal regardless of how you get the calories you will lose weight.

    But that being said...if you "can't" cut it out or cut down it might be time to get help.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    Yes. I lost over 40 pounds while drinking just about every night and just staying within my calorie limit. I've been maintaining for almost two years using the same strategy.

    The tricks: if you have trouble stopping drinking once you start, hitting your calorie goal is still going to be a challenge. You have to plan somewhat more carefully (depending on your calorie goal) in order to meet your nutritional needs. And if you're the kind of person who eats more when you drink, it can be really hard to do this (I'm not, but I know lots of people report this issue). These are all reasons to be careful, but once these are taken into account, there's no reason why someone can't drink and also lose weight.

    Thanks ! Everything you've said makes sense. I guess now I'm concerned because lots of times I start to drink and then I get comfortable with eating more junk food. Of course once I sober up I start self loathing over it. I just have to learn to have self control if I'm gonna have cocktails
  • pacingoamy
    pacingoamy Posts: 78 Member
    I am a big craft beer drinker and as I get closer to my goal, my allotted calories and TDEE rate have dropped making it more difficult. But, there are some basic calorie counts I use when I know I want to indulge (a porter vs. a kolsch) and when I can't fit in a beer I either exercise so I can or go to something lighter in calories (rum and diet coke). Alcohol is a part of my diet as much as yogurt and I just try not to do either in excess.

    I will say I am struggling now not only due to allotted calories, but the heat of a Southern summer. There's nothing like a cold beer (or 3) some days and I periodically do a 1-2 week stoppage just to keep my thirst satisfied at smaller quantities.
  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I don't personally like to spend my calories on drinks but I have seen others do so because they accounted for the calories and maintained a deficit. It is pretty much that simple.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    Yes. I lost over 40 pounds while drinking just about every night and just staying within my calorie limit. I've been maintaining for almost two years using the same strategy.

    The tricks: if you have trouble stopping drinking once you start, hitting your calorie goal is still going to be a challenge. You have to plan somewhat more carefully (depending on your calorie goal) in order to meet your nutritional needs. And if you're the kind of person who eats more when you drink, it can be really hard to do this (I'm not, but I know lots of people report this issue). These are all reasons to be careful, but once these are taken into account, there's no reason why someone can't drink and also lose weight.

    Thanks ! Everything you've said makes sense. I guess now I'm concerned because lots of times I start to drink and then I get comfortable with eating more junk food. Of course once I sober up I start self loathing over it. I just have to learn to have self control if I'm gonna have cocktails

    Only you know if this will be feasible for you, but I know just from hanging out around here that people who tend to eat more (or eat things they wouldn't otherwise eat) when they're drinking do tend to find it a real challenge to regularly drink and lose weight. Sometimes the bar or party food can add up faster than the drinks sometimes.
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    I enjoy drinking. I previously cut out alcohol during the week. On the weekends, I made sure to do more cardio to allow for the added intake. I am not one to eat more when I drink, but the meals I picked, I just pick the healthiest I can and log as I go. It helped. And I rarely went over my calories that way.

    Now, I've added alcohol back in during the week because, it's wonderful. I try to plan for it during my day and again, pick the healthiest option for food.

    To be honest, I had a hard time the last month cutting out alcohol during the week. Nothing beats a nice glass of wine or mixed drink after a stressful day. And, a bottle of champagne or wine is around 500 calories. Not bad at all. I'm not sure how much you drink, but that usually sends me off to the races.

    Just be conscious, even if you are tipsy, make yourself log, be conscious of what you are consuming. You'll find it becomes easier the more you do it. Eventually, you'll order that salad or grilled chicken vs. greasy burger etc.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited July 2017
    I would also say it depends on how much is "a lot" and what kind of calorie goal you have. My goal is 1500 cals. If I have two beers that's 300+ cals and only leaves me 1200 to eat. I just can't do that very often. If you re drinking 500 calories worth of alcohol every day and that leaves you eating too little, it will catch up to you. It's all about the maths :)
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,361 Member
    edited July 2017
    choose a low cal option is best

    a vodka sodawater and lime is one of the lowest cal drinks that I know of .. but, if you are drinking at a party (not proper pub measures) then you would have to measure each drink (i tend to measure out an amount and put it aside for just me) and only drink whats in that container ... anything left over next day I measure and put back in the bottle.

    I fit drink into my cal budget easily (and daily) and I am still losing weight

    edited to add, if you can put a glass of water every 2nd or 3rd drink you still enjoy and are part of the party but you drink less calories, no one even notices if you move from vodka sodawater and lime to plain sodawater and lime :)
  • sak20011
    sak20011 Posts: 94 Member
    It sounds like the issue is not being able to keep either the amount of alcohol or the food that follows within your limits.

    I drink wine frequently, but usually one glass. Occasionally a margarita. It fits my calories and I enjoy it. But i also usually do it right before or with a meal that I have planned out. I notice if I'm in an environment where the booze flows freely and everyone is drinking, I will drink more unless I am super conscious about it.

    I think the environment you're in makes it challenging. When you are around others drinking and eating and not holding back, its hard to resist and easy to play along. It takes a lot of discipline to change habits, but it can be done. Perhaps you can alternate: first drink is flavored seltzer, second is booze, third is flavored seltzer, etc. Perhaps you can also plan your food intake ahead of time, and make sure you dont drink on an empty stomach.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Just because others are drinking doesn't mean you have to as well. I also work in an environment where drinking is common and nobody ever looks at me differently when I decide not to drink.

    That said, if you'd rather 'blend in' by having a glass in your hand, fill it with seltzer & lime or just nurse the drinks you do get. Alternatively, get a glass of water for every second drink - you'll automatically halve your volume.

    OTOH, if you really just want to drink and can't tend to stop before hitting the point where you make bad decisions (food decisions, that is), then it's kind of on you...either cut it out altogether or plan for it in your daily limit.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    It's just like anything else. Moderation is key. Google low calorie drink options. I'm not much of a drinker but I eat chocolate every day and lose weight.
  • Shellybear70
    Shellybear70 Posts: 9 Member
    I've definitely had to cut back on my drinking to stay within my calorie goals. But the things that help me balance it are saving up some calories for alcohol throughout the day, alternate club soda with lime or a water between drinks, exercise for extra drinking calories. And I try to choose drinks that I'll drink more slowly vs shots and super fruity stuff I tend to drink quickly. The other thing is to eat something filling but low calorie before I go out so I'm not actually hungry and it's easier to avoid the greasy bar food. Seriously, this has been the worst part about calorie counting for me since my entire social life revolves around going out.