Hi everyone!

Hi there! I'm a 43 year old single mom with a 9 year old and time is at a premium. I've been a MFP user for a long time and had seen a lot of success. I used to watch my intake religiously, exercised all the time and had lost 100 lbs. I kind of stalled at that point and as life changed (I went through a divorce), my built in coverage was gone - and I no longer had the ability to go out running or to the gym because I had no one to watch my child.

So I figured I'd just maintain the weight. Wrong! I ate like I was still exercising and the weight crept up slowly since my lowest in 2012. Since then I've felt defeated, daunted, exhausted, and more unmotivated to change what has become my life...and I put on 80 of the 100 I lost again.

Until the 4th of July which I think was my breaking point. I don't know how I'm going to do it - I'm still chained to the house and can't do anything (I can't leave a 9 year old alone while I run for 40 minutes) - but I'm watching what I consume and am willing to make something happen again. I need a lot of motivation to get going and hope I can meet some people here or a mentor who can kick my butt and give me the extra umph I need to get this weight off for good and maintain a healthy lifestyle that I can demonstrate for my child. Being a good & healthy Mom is important to me!

It's been nice chatting and hope to hear back from some of the group and some feedback!!! Thanks for listening! Nicole
