Dealing with Pica (desire to eat non fooder objects)

Hi, all! I've struggled with a strong desire to eat ground up gravel for at least 3.5 months and have been steadily gaining weight trying to fill the desire to have something in my mouth at all times (really craving salty and crunchy...aversion to sweet and mushy). More recently, it also has been confirmed that I am very low on iron and I've been ordered to eat more iron. For anyone who has dealt with pica before, along with possible vitamin deficiencies, are there any foods or techniques you found helpful to soothe cravings and still be healthy? I'm trying to find a balance on keeping my mind/mouth occupied so I don't fantasize about gravel while still keeping nutrition sufficient and calories in check. Thank you!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Eat more iron rich food?
  • AyeshaXulfikar
    AyeshaXulfikar Posts: 3 Member
    I can fully understand your situation because I am going through the same, except that I eat ice and a lot of it. I just want to have something in my mouth all the time too. So I tried eating nuts. I bought almonds and cashew nuts. It helped me a little. I am also taking iron supplements.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Liquid iron supplement? I'd start there.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited July 2017
    utz thick pretzels wouldn't be a bad snack and I know I feel like I'm crunching on gravel when I eat them not the rods but the actual thick hard pretzels, they sell them at costco I think but you can prob get them at the grocery store too. Also def find out what all of your vitamin deficiencies are and if you can't get them through food maybe supplement them.
  • rtogetfit93
    rtogetfit93 Posts: 109 Member
    Not sure on the Pica, but I've got anaemia and I take iron supplements- one a day and I'm set. They sell them OTC in most pharmacies - Galfer is a good brand.
    For most food cravings, though, it's usually a deficiency that actually causes it- so maybe upping your iron will help with the pica too, anyway? It might be worth getting a full work-up to see what else you're deficient in. You could actually take a multivitamin with iron in it every day- and then focus on nutrient-rich, filling foods, so that you don't need to worry if you're covered if you have a bad day. Foods that increase satiety might help with lessening cravings also.
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    Whoa. If it's that bad, then I would invest in an iron supplement.