I'm tired of being overweight

Hello everyone, I don't think anyone will read this or even care but I would like to introduce myself and see where it goes from there. My name is Devin I am a 28 year old guy who is tired of being overweight. I have two beautiful kids who mean everything to me and I want to be able to be active with them and enjoy things with them that I can't do at this present time. I feel as though I'm not where I should be and it frustrates me. I just wanted to share this little bit of info with the community, if you have read the entire post I would like to say thank you and I hope there are some great people who wouldn't mind helping a guy lose some weight. Thank you and stay blessed


  • Strives4Progress
    Strives4Progress Posts: 78 Member
    You can do this! Just take it one day at a time. Mfp is a great support system. Lots of friendly, motivated people here
  • paulawriteslove
    paulawriteslove Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome to MFP Devin! I think it's great that you want to be active with your kids! You can definitely do this. Just take it one day, and one meal, at a time! Feel free to add me if you'd like :smile:
  • AskMorphis
    AskMorphis Posts: 155 Member
    Hello Devin !
    You're not alone, there are a lot of people here, every one with their own story, who wish to lose weight. And many of them care also enough to read your post :tongue: You've come to the right place, if you want to change and improve yourself, MFP is a great tool, and giving and receiving support from its community is always a plus.

    Let this be the beginning of the new you. Set some realistic goals. Don't aim for a quick loss, aim for a long term plan, a change in your life. Be disciplined enough to log every single thing you're ingesting. Don't be to harsh on yourself if you have one bad day, it happens, as long as it's rare enough, so that you don't undo all your efforts, you're fine.

    Not only can you do this, but if you're motivated and keep on going, you will do this !
  • peterbuller8
    peterbuller8 Posts: 155 Member
    As above mate the hardest part is starting try not to think of this as a diet but more as a lifestyle change i have lost 17kg so far and never thought i would survive on 2700 cal's a day.
    Now i'm on 1810 and normally have some left over.
    Always happy to help motivate and offer support FR sent.