July 400 Core Challenge (100 Push-Up / 100 Plank / 100 Squat



  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Here's where I'm at so far:

    Planks: 66/100
    Burpees: 190/200
    Squats: 390/400
    Push ups: 663/400

    I have to say that I am impressed with myself. I didn't realize how many of these I already did. AWESOME challenge. Any plans to do this again next month? I'd like to see if I can improve on these numbers...
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    100 push ups again last night. I def know that I have taken care of all the push ups plus some this month. The other areas are kind of iffy
  • missjaiy
    missjaiy Posts: 58
    I realize I'm worst than I realized with updating with challenges. I'm so sorry team...but here are my results. I've completed them all for the month :)

    These numbers have been achieved since I've starting Insanity. Great challenge!!!!
    * 100 Planks (40/40, 30/L20, 30/R20, 20/B20)
    * 100 Burpees (100/100) --- Hopefully I can move this to a weekly goal in week 3 :smile:
    * 100 Push-Ups (312/100) ---- 1st week wall push-ups
    * 100 Squats (500/100)
  • bkube01
    bkube01 Posts: 20
    Yesterday's routine, NOT cumulative:
    ►100 Push-Ups (40/100)
    ►100 Planks (5/40=5/L20=5/R20=5/B20)
    ►100 Squats (0/100)
    ►100 Burpees (40/100)