Struggling with weight for many years

Hi to everyone. I'm new today and I'm here looking for some support with others trying to beat a weight problem. I've had mine for many years with some times losing and then others gaining it back. But never getting to my goal weight. So I'm back on the band wagon with new goals in mind, trying to take it a day...or even a meal... at a time and not getting too gung ho right off the bat. My daughter is also trying to lose weight & recommended this website to me. Just got back from vacation so this week I have been really thinking about what I'm putting in my mouth and trying to get the day's menu in my head before I start the day. Also trying to have plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables in the house. So...hope to hear from anyone out there & get (and give) some encouragement along the way. :)


  • laurabell63
    Same boat. Count me in if you like!
  • FrenchyMomma
    Im also pretty new here about 2 weeks new and have lost 8lbs 5 since logging all foods on here... my daughter which is 13 is also losing weight with me she was my motivator. She weighs more than I do and is about an inch taller than I am 5' 8" so she is going to be a tall girl. She has always been on the thick side and has been picked on for years about it so I got her going on the exercise and cutting calories and she lost 6lbs instead of gaining. I have never seen such a big smile on her face. Since she goes to her dads week on week off in the summer and he doesnt feed her healthy things or exercise with her i try to keep her busy when she is here.... even if it is just going up the stairs to get dirty laundry to wash or to run the clean laundry upstairs when it is finished instead of waiting till it is all done to run it up then. I have struggled with weight my whole life also and lost a good amount 2 years ago then since have put it all back on..... = not happy. I figured time to try something new so here I am. If you need someone to talk to just friend me and maybe we can support each other!!!
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    I have been in the same boat, and I started loosing when my work did WW at work and they came to us, well we are a small company and they stopped doing that for now. I was excited to find so many people here who are encouraging, I have signed on but not done two much on here yet because I am in the middle of a move. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I have only been on this site for 2 days
  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    Good Luck! I wish you the best on your journey. Dieting isn't easy but it is well worth it
  • krstal02
    krstal02 Posts: 81 Member
    I wish you and your daughter many pounds loss. Such a wonderful thing to hear you all doing "the thing" together. I have finally become dedicated and motivating to losing weight "for real" So best of luck to the both of you!
  • FrenchyMomma
    Thank You and the best of luck to you also.... I believe that when Chrysler shut down the plant that I was working at in Newark, DE is when I started going down hill. I was very active at that place and kept a steady weight it took me a long time to find a job and now Im a school bus driver which doent help but im taking courses here and there to become a dental hygienist "when I can afford the gas to get to and from school. Currently my husband is unemployed and not getting benefits so we are struggling financially also... which puts on the stress but trying to redirect it to exercise instead of salking in it.. Good luck to everyone and if need a friend send an invite I would be glad to have more friends to just help support and get more support from!!! :happy: