Doing classes alone?

Does anyone go to fitness classes alone?
I want to go but I have no one to go with, would it be weird if I went by myself?
I really want to, but WHAT IF THERE'S PEOPLE I KNOW THERE?
"ooh look at the loner, here by herself" I can just imagine.. DX
Is it something people do? Do you think I should?



  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    I have been going for years by myself. 5 a week. Everyone else does, too. I'd say it is rarer to go with someone.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    I certainly have! And I had fun!

    DO IT!!

    You might make new friends that will be very supportive of you!!!!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Well if i went i would be alone because everyone in my life would rather sit and eat and have a heart attack eventually. Go and enjoy your self be friendly and maybe you will meet some new people that you have some things in common with, like being healthy.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I used to go to Zumba I met a great group of girls who are my heart <3 Go and have a good time :-)
  • katieandlilly
    katieandlilly Posts: 31 Member
    Oh yeah, one more thing. The added benefit is if you go constantly you start to make friends with people that are healthy!
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    Yup, I am a loner too!
  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    Go you will love them! Most people are by themselves.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I have and do! In fact, in the near future, I will be attempting my first ever kickboxing classes and I'm totally going alone! :)
  • I've been going to classes "alone" for over 2 years now on my lunch break and wouldn't miss it. Eventually someone I did know showed up, and I didn't even mind, LOL! I agree that you'll probably make some new friends and have a blast! Go for it!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Why not go alone...the only thing you have to lose is inches / weight. Most classes will have a few people start the same day you do without a friend.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I go alone! It's great. My first gym was only classes, and I went to my first zumba class to find my coworker there. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but we just agreed "What happens at zumba stays at zumba" and it was fine. We laughed a lot actually and had a great time. I've since switched gyms because I needed variety, but I still go to classes alone and enjoy it. That hour is about you and nobody else! Just get in there, do your best, keep your booty moving and have a good time with it.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I go by myself 5 times per week! You end up making friends at the classes and within the first week, you don't feel "alone" anymore! It's the first initial "going" part that's the hardest. Trust me... commit to going by yourself for one week and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Plus, I've noticed that the people in my fitness classes... most of them come by themselves. :happy:
  • Minilover36
    Minilover36 Posts: 12 Member
    You cant live your life worrying about what others think!! Who cares! You are in there for YOU and everyone is else is in there for theirselves. Most people trying to keep fit/healthy love supporting others! Have fun. :)
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I have and do! In fact, in the near future, I will be attempting my first ever kickboxing classes and I'm totally going alone! :)

    Kickboxing is awesome and a serious calorie burner!! I go every Friday! Enjoy!! :bigsmile:
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    You won't be alone for long! Most people go there alone --- but if you keep going, you'll get to know the people who stand near you at every class! I know people at 4 different gyms now -- and if I miss a class, someone always calls me on it so it keeps you accountable!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    I prefer going to classes and working out alone. That way no one interferes, slows me down or makes me wait.

  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    I have no problem going alone...eventually you meet people and you are no longer the 'loner'
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    Yes I do
  • Oh you should go alone! That was you don't have to argue with "friends" that are always cancelling
  • ejhayes
    ejhayes Posts: 44 Member
    Just go and have fun!!! After a while if you keep going, people start talking to you. BTW, you are doing this for yourself not them, so if they have an issue, well that's too bad, it's their problem. Trust me, everyone else is thinking the same thing you do. So go and have fun for yourself!!!! You won't regret it!!!!