Personal question for the ladies....

Do you adjust your calories up or down around your monthly cycle? I find myself hungry the week before my period and was just wondering if rather than being cranky or feeling guilty after a mini-binge, if I should just plan to eat a little more this week and a little less on other weeks. What do you ladies do?


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    My period doesn't affect me at all. But if you are having cravings I would adjust my calories to compensate.
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    I crave BIG TIME, but I adjust accordingly so I don't binge. I make sure that I made room for something I don't normally eat, like m&m's or something.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    If I'm hangry, I'll eat at maintenance. It's usually about 3 days. I still weigh and log everything to insure I'm at maintenance calories.

    What she said.
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    If I'm hangry, I'll eat at maintenance. It's usually about 3 days. I still weigh and log everything to insure I'm at maintenance calories.


    This is a great idea
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    If I'm hangry, I'll eat at maintenance. It's usually about 3 days. I still weigh and log everything to insure I'm at maintenance calories.

    quoted the wrong one. THIS is a great idea. :)
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I excerise a little more which can be a longer walk or a hike, to get all those happy feelings. But if that's not possible I eat a few hundred extra calories, still under maintenance but it helps me alot.
  • RenaTX
    RenaTX Posts: 345 Member
    Yes it effects me. Prior to my period I find that I want to just munch. That and I develop bad cystic acne. Lately I found taking a high source of GLA has done wonders for my PMS. I take Borage oil and eat hemp oil throughout the month and increase the dose a few days before I think PMS will kick in. So far it's working for me.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I don't eat more, but I snack more. Usually I eat three meals a day and maybe a snack. When I'm extra hungry because of TOM I eat maybe five or six mini meals. I find it helps to eat more frequently vs. more calories. At least, for me it does.
  • MelissaSheklian
    MelissaSheklian Posts: 141 Member
    I try to stay in calorie range, usually on the higher end for PMS week. I find that it's more about hitting specific needs than overall "must eat everything" like adding a tablespoon of dark cocoa powder to my usual protein shake for chocolate cravings or sipping flavored sparkling water for sweetness and repeating something to myself along the lines of: its only a couple days, you know what you're body is doing just ride it out.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2017
    I didn't use to, but definitely do now. :o For the last 1-2 years or so in fact. I've started tinkering with diet starting with the last cycle because I'm tired of it setting me back and it being nearly impossible to 'make-up' the 1-2.5K extra calories I'll consume in a reasonable time-frame without restricting too much and being miserable.

    I'm planning to see if I increase calories a bit (maintenance is a good idea - thanks!), but make them all protein calories, if that can help me get a handle on it. Wish me success!

    (I already take EPA/DHA/GLA daily for other reasons, and have been for 6-12 months, but they provide no relief for me unfortunately darn it.)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Usually I don't notice any changes in appetite. But when I occasionally do, it's not a problem to eat at maintenance for a few days.
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    During TOM I'm normally a pickier eater (more broths, light/high-water veggies, etc) but this month I've been craving more protein and carbs (most likely because I haven't given up on my morning swims). In either case I tend to exercise less due to severe pain and fatigue from bloodloss (I'm iron-deficient anemic). Occassionally the week before I'll be hungrier so I'll eat 300-500 calories more, but generally I don't think about it because I bounce back quickly the following week.
  • asianolikeyou
    asianolikeyou Posts: 393 Member
    I adjust my workout and calories to accommodate any cravings, aches, etc.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    I tend to crave salty foods like mad. I just drink extra water to counter it.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    No, I don't adjust it, I'm not quite that anal about it matching exactly. I just keep in mind that I might go over a bit on those days, and try to maje sure I'm still eating mindfully.
  • AMV91
    AMV91 Posts: 86 Member
    I will eat at maintenance typically. I'm often only very hungry the first few days and the last few hardly at all, so often it evens out.
  • siyana1985
    siyana1985 Posts: 25 Member
    i leave it as is but i usually do let myself have a little treat during the first 48hours when it feels like a little trex is trying to free itself and i just want something to not suck for a moment....actually i think the only times i've gone over loss calories and closer to maintain cals have been at that time of the month..... now harm in adding a fee extra calories and allowing yourself some dark chocolate!