New keto girl with 100+ pounds to lose....want friends

gambigirl Posts: 6 Member
Hi yall.
I am new to Keto and MFP. I need to lose 100 or more pounds. Not really sure what my weight is don't have a scale but will have on by Monday. I am keeping my carbs below 20 but it seems my calories that I need are quite high. Over 2100. I reduced that to between 1500-1700 daily. I'm trying to learn about this and it seems like I need to eat mostly fats? Does it matter what type? Bacon or Almonds?
I guess there's a part of me that is scared this won't work. I'm on day 3 and doing ok Just a little down emotionally...
I am trying to also learn how to not have my evening emotional eating / binge.....I would love to give and receive support.


  • jj_jupiter
    jj_jupiter Posts: 23 Member
    Not a fan of keto. Don't know anyone who's lost weight and kept it off. Tried it once and felt like crap. Yes you need fat to lose weight. Try healthy fats: peanut butter in a smoothie or 1/4 avocado. Measure and weigh your food. What are you doing for exercise? What are you doing when you have your evening binge? I've found reading instead of sitting in front of TV helps me. Just identify your trigger. Good luck.
  • Alfelton
    Alfelton Posts: 1 Member
    Stick with it. It does work if done right. Do some research online. tones of great recipes and ideas. It takes about 2 weeks or so to get over the major sugar cravings. I am on it now and have droped over 10lb in a couple of months. Just a little more control at first and it get much easier. I been on for over 6m not really any major cravings but salt on hot day. Keep at it. Good luck.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Most people doing low carb / keto for weight loss would eat well under 2000 calories while eating "ad lib" so you don't want to be aiming at 2100.

    Yes if you've removed carbs from your diet then fat becomes a large proportion as protein is seldom over 35% in any sensible diet regime. Cheese and eggs are about 65% calories from fat, as is 20% fat ground beef / mince.

    Nuts are fine too, as is bacon and avocado. Don't go pouring soya oil or corn oil onto things though. Aim for about 75g of protein, measure and control the carbs and eat enough food with inherent fat to not be hungry. If you have issues limiting intake then measure and aim for 1300-1500 calories of which at least 60% come from fats.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Try the Low Carber Daily MFP group for more keto support. There are a number of people in there who lost significant amounts of weight eating keto at a caloric deficit.

    As others said, make sure to hit your protein goals. Starting around 75g is a good place to be. That macro percentage will change as your deficit changes. For example, 80g of protein is a higher protein macro if you are eating 1500 kcal per day than when you get to maintenance of ( an example) 2300 kcal.

    Fat will be a large portion of your diet, but remember that body fat is what you want to burn. If you eat too much fat the body will use that fat instead of your love handles. ;)

    Do not forget to eat 3000-5000 mg of sodium per day. That is about 2 teaspoons of table salt. If electrolytes get low you may experience headaches, moodiness, fatigue, stomach issues and muscle weakness and pain.

    Good luck!