Hair removal

LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
Not sure what this really comes under, but hopefully here will do :P

Basically, now I've got the confidence to wear shorts and skirts again, I'm dreaming of smooth legs.

Have always shaved them until recently, but I really only got one day after where they was super smooth, and the frequency was inconvenient (and making my skin dry). So have been trying waxing - doing it myself with strips - and it seems to me that my legs are never really smooth, though it does take longer (like a week) until the minor stubble becomes major, something has to be done about it, stubble. Maybe I should just sit and attack them with tweezers, but how long and awkward would that be! Don't mind doing the odd one I've missed, but seriously, at the moment this just isn't working for me. Am wondering, is getting it done professionally better? Don't really want to spend the money on it to find I'm as dissatisfied as I am at the mo. Any opinions?

And equally, what about hair removal creams? Are they any good?

Maybe I should just save up for laser hair removal. Sighs.

Any advice would be much appreciated!


  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    A co-worker of mine had laser hair removal done on her legs, and she is extremely happy with the results! She loves it and how she doesn't have to shave any more. It takes several treatments, but she swears it was all worth it!
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I got a groupon for laser hair removal (well 3) and I am in the process of getting it done. I LOVE IT!! But I am the perfect candidate of light skin, dark hair. I recommend you watch on groupon, it really is awesome.
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Magic! No seriously, you get it at target, it's for black men who want to be bald, it smells horrendous, but it WORKS!
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    I like to use veet and it lasts about a three days no stubble then it slowly grows back, but I'm satisfied
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    Check out and for deals on laser hair removal in your area. I got 6 sessions for $85.
  • vibrant80
    vibrant80 Posts: 42 Member
    Magic! No seriously, you get it at target, it's for black men who want to be bald, it smells horrendous, but it WORKS!

    I have a friend who also swears by it for...other areas. :huh:
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Magic! No seriously, you get it at target, it's for black men who want to be bald, it smells horrendous, but it WORKS!

    I have a friend who also swears by it for...other areas. :huh:

    Oh my god. I am so going to try this. thanks!!
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    I use Nair, but I'm going to try this Magic stuff.
  • stephiehampshire
    I use hair removal cream and swear by it, I stay smooth for at least 2 days after and the stubble isnt too bad
  • Haylie91
    Haylie91 Posts: 4
    You could try an epiliator? Hurts (a lot) the first couple times, but you get used to it and eventually it's nothing. Can stay smooth for around 2 weeks (personally).
    If you have waxed before then it should be too bad, it's just another option :)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Having PCOS means I have a hairy chin, which I am uber self conscious about. I always shave every day..but this week I have let it grow and my hubby is going to wax it for me later on. We tried last night but it wasnt quite long enough, we did think the wax strips were cheap crap but we then tested a strip on his arm and yup they work alright! Fingers crossed for tonight., Im sick to effing death of shaving my face (for over 10 yers now).

    I have never ever told anyone about this problem except for my doctor and my hubby....*dies in embarrassment*
  • imogenboo
    imogenboo Posts: 63 Member
    I was just about to start this thread, how odd! I have tried everything, I like shaving just because its so quick and convenient, but stubble sucks and I have to shave often as even the tiniest bit of stubble bothers me! I just tried my first epilator and even though I've heard it hurts like crazy, I didn't really find it that painful and I did my bikini line to start with! So if you think you can bear the pain for half an hour or so I would say to go with that!

    I'm not really a fan of wax strips, had a bad experience when I did it myself and ended up with horrible rashes on my legs. And Hair removal cream, I don't like either as I can never quite get every single bit of hair off, doesn't last as long and most smell so bad!

    However, I know that what works for some doesn't work for others, as some of my friends see waxing/epilation as a form of torture... especially my male friends... WIMPS!

    Good luck phinners! Waxing makes the hair grow back softer, and there isn't so much as well. :)
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I use an epilator on mine. The first time it felt like being stung by 1,000 angry bees but now it's no big deal. Even when the stubble grows back in it's so soft I don't realize I have hairy legs until I look at them! I shave here and there between epilating but it doesn't make the stubble sharp. I can't afford laser hair removal so this is my best option. I have a wet/dry so I can use it in the shower too.

    ETA: Phinners, I am very self conscious of facial hair too and use the epilator there. It gets almost all of them and I use tweezers for the few strays. For the first time I feel like I can leave the house on a sunny day and not look like I should be in a carnival freak show! I used to never leave without makeup because it was my camouflage but now it doesn't worry me. I workout in public with a bare face for the first time ever!
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    What do you ppl do about ingrown hairs? They drive me up the wall :(
  • rachaelhefner
    What do you ppl do about ingrown hairs? They drive me up the wall :(

    Where I get sugared they sell this stuff called PFB and you just roll it on after whatever hair removal you do! Works like a charm and its only $16.00!! I put the link to it below!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    eeek well I took the plunge and booked myself into a waxing salon - my appt is in 40 minutes. Im crapping myself - I do hope it's not full of skinny hot blondes who will just take the piss out of this bearded circus freak :( I'm not going to my usual place so if this new place does turn out to be a 'Miami beach' then I dont have to go back there.

    I'm having my eyebrows done aswell, its a very good price. Around £12 for my eyes and chin :)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Holy hell that was agony!

    The wax strips wouldnt take any out!! So she had to pluck them out, it was agony beyond anything inthe world!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Eek! That sounds awful :/

    Booked myself an appointment for one of those free laser hair removal things, where they tell you if you can have it or not and stuff like that. Sounds like the most pain free option!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    It was! But luckily it's over quickly!

    Just a thought but you are aware that laser treatments arent permanent and they take around 6 months worth of treatments to start working properly? x good luck with it all
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i have SUCH sensitive skin that shaving any higher than my knees gives me horrible razor burn and nair basically gives me 3rd degree burns. even though i'm a redhead, the hair on my body is all blonde, so i can't get laser hair removal =( waxing would probably kill me....

    i don't know what to do....