Great toning workout in your home

50 jumping jacks
30 squats
25 lunges per leg (total 50)
1 min joging/ run on the spot
1 min wallsit
20 push ups
50 crunches
1 min plank
Rest for a couple minutes, get some water and repeat circuit.
This has been helping me out a lot so thought I would share.


  • mckenzik19
    mckenzik19 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me to your friends list. Just started working out and I can also use helpful tips for working out.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    List workouts are a good start, but I find "plain" calisthenics to be incredibly boring. There are tons of workouts on YouTube...... plus the videos give you good pointers for proper form.

    Jessica TV is my favorite....but Fitness Blender is really popular also

  • mckenzik19
    mckenzik19 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks teabea it looks like a good work out I'll have to try it out.