Anyone else working out with heart issues?

So I didn't really see a category where this post would be specific to, but I figured I'll try here. I was diagnosed last year with an arrhythmia (benign PVCs and PACs) and was wondering if anyone else here works out with them? Would love to hear your challenges and successes. I personally find that cardio causes me no issues but lifting weights causes skipped beats whenever I push myself to lift more or when I strain. I have gotten past where they scare me but they are still annoying so I'd love to chat with others who are in the same boat and hear what works and doesn't work for you!


  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I notice similar symptoms. I haven't gotten to where it doesn't freak me out too much yet though. Haha. I also have been battling high blood pressure since my youngest was born 13 months ago and just recently began focusing on my health again