The Chill Accountability Crowd


This is a post for relaxed, non-agressive, super chill MFP folk who want to feel more accountable for their food diaries.

Basically all you gotta do is:
  1. Set your food diary to public.
  2. Hop onto the thread and provide your public diary URL.
  3. Introduce yourself and say what you wanna say about stuff.
  4. Enjoy!

Please please please please: NO SHAMING or GULIT-TRIPPING your fellow chill accountability MFP folk!!!

Everyone has good days and bad days. It's part of the process. There is no pressure, no judgment, no rigid rules, no obligations. This post is all about casual, friendly encouragement and support for your good health. Always feel free to make changes in your diet and lifestyle for the better. Keep an open mind. Be kind to yourself and others.

You don't have to be highly active in the MFP community to participate. You can make a comment on this thread daily, weekly, monthly... essentially anything that serves you well. I'm not a very active community member, but I like to drop by now and then. Others out there are MFP community super stars and no doubt will show up with wisdom and golden advice just when you need it.

If you like this idea, let others take a peak at your food logging. Simply knowing you're participating in a "group" will encourage you to do your best. You don't have to officially friend anyone or wait to be accepted in order to be here. Just set your food diary to "public" so others can see how things are going. ;)

Setting your food diary to "public" will make it easy to share at the start of your comments. Simply enter the following URL:

For example, my user name is Summer_Tulip and my sharable diary URL looks like this:

Once you do this, then you're logging for everyone and anyone to see! Don't worry. You can make mistakes and learn as you go.

Lastly, don't feel like this is some type of forever-committed deal. If you wanna hop on this thread and try it out, cool. If you're not into it, then you can always set your diary back to private (or whatever setting you prefer).

Perfect is the enemy of good.


  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Awesome! Welcome aboard. Your diary is lovely! :)
  • ohnonotcrystal
    ohnonotcrystal Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2017
    Thanks! I admire how you log your diet sodas. I don't do that yet.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Haha. I wouldn't have usually tracked it, but I figured since ppl might be looking I'd try to include everything ("try" being the key word). :)
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome aboard, panda! The thread is gaining momentum!
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member

    Yesterday I kinda overdid it... gotta do better! I was thinking of setting my goal lower since I always overeat, but then i figured just work at staying close to the original daily goal.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    That sounds like a great plan! I figured you meant to say that you're leaving on July 22, not June. Very nicely thought out!

    I have a small trip coming up in September and I'm trying to wrap my head around what I'm gonna do. Probably just do the best I can while I'm out there. It's a family wedding event so there's definitely gonna be food and I might just be kinda free during that time, but still track as best I can.

    Nuts are super hard to control. Agreed. Peanut butter is my other tricky food... I mean, who eats a whole jar in 2 days? (I do.)
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    I'm all for a low-key accountability group :smiley:

    I've gained and lost a few times over after having two kids, but never got back to pre-children weight. While balancing work (desk job), kids and study, I'm just doing my best to track, keep some sort of balance to what I eat, and move.

    @ohnonotcrystal Wishing you the best for your vacation. You seem to have a solid plan in the works. I hope you get some good fun and relaxation too :smile: I have a class reunion coming up at the end of the month and I'd like to have some balance of social eating without completely overdoing it.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    @MommaGem2017 Hi and welcome! :) (I have a desk job also. I relate.)
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Some days I get so caught up in what I'm doing that I literally have to set the alarm on my phone to get up and move. Time can speed by so fast!
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member

    I love this idea. Thanks for starting the thread! I've been on and off MFP since having my first baby about 6 years ago. I lost the first round of weight, had another kid, and I'm now stuck about 25lbs from my pre-baby goal weight, so, I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of eating mindfully, making good choices, and holding myself accountable.

    I, too, have a desk job, though I have an adjustable standing desk so I usually stand for part of the day. My gym is across the street and so I'm getting back into my habit of lunch break workouts. However, sticking to a healthy eating plan has ALWAYS been my weakest link, so I'm happy for a supportive group. I'm going kind of low-key on my other social medias about trying to lose weight, sometimes announcing it makes it too big a deal. So this whole thread is awesome.

    I'm working on curbing my sweet tooth, drinking more water, and cutting out the junk food. Cheers to Monday and a healthy week!
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    KatieTee83 wrote: »

    I love this idea. Thanks for starting the thread! I've been on and off MFP since having my first baby about 6 years ago. I lost the first round of weight, had another kid, and I'm now stuck about 25lbs from my pre-baby goal weight, so, I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of eating mindfully, making good choices, and holding myself accountable.

    This is me! Exactly! First child will be 6 in 6 weeks :open_mouth: and 25 lbs to go after child #2 was born (she's 4).

  • Mizzy58
    Mizzy58 Posts: 47 Member
    edited July 2017
    I just started back on MFP. I have been doing a few different diets for the last few years. Let me tell you my head was spinning. Right now, I'm just trying to get back in the swing of eating whole, healthy food. And having some cheats in moderation. (Except for my gummy bears). Hey, I'm on a kick ok. It shall pass. I've been cutting brush and hauling the last few days for about 3 hours a day. Not sure how to log that. Summer-Tulip enjoy your vacation. If your too strict with yourself and you come home and for some reason fall off the wagon your going to wish you had that desert or whatever you passed up on vacation. Vacations are for fun. So do the best you can and enjoy! :)
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    @MommaGem2017 once again, I relate! Lol

    @KatieTee83 welcome! Food has always been my downfall as well. Just doing our best here. No need for perfect eating to eat healthy. You got this.

    @Mizzy58 welcome aboard! and thank you for the encouragement, though it's actually @ohnonotcrystal who is almost on vacation. And I hope she enjoys hers! :) (Mine is further out)

    @pandam00n hope you're doing well!

    In fact, hope everyone is doing well! I can already tell my day is not gonna be a shining example of optimum nutrition, but it's better than it was yesterday! I figure small improvements add up in the long run. Just taking it day by day. :)
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Oh and @Mizzy58 ...gummy bears are made of happiness and spring rainbows, so they're totally worth it.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Finally closed my diary without eating everything on the planet today. That was an accomplishment for me ;)
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Nicely done!
    I am finishing today better than yesterday but still missed the mark. Tomorrow is slightly pre-planned and prepped so hopefully that'll help.