Newbie who needs to lose the baby blubber!


I had a baby boy 12 weeks ago and now need to get my backside in gear and lose the weight i gained in pregnancy!

I am kinda hoping that i will be able to do it by counting cals and using this site to track my weight etc! I would like to lose a lb per week and i know its gonna be hard to lose as i am tired and find it hard to get out and exercise. Also its so much easier to grab a bar of chocolate than to make a proper meal.

Hope all you lovelies will help me on my weight loss journey :) And vice versa :)



  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family! Congrats to you with your new baby boy!!!
  • I had a baby 12 weeks ago too. Add me as a friend and we can work on it together!!! I need to get in gear and get moving!! Good luck!
  • Congratulations on the baby boy. Im new on here two started last week. lost 2 pounds this week which i was kinda happy with as i havent been very good. I had a little boy 5 months ago and im finding it hard to loose the weight. it started mainly with my first baby i put lots of weight on with isabelle shes now 3 and then just didnt have the drive to loose the weight and then when i found out i was pregnant again i didnt want to put on more extra weight than i was. Luckliy i didnt put as much on with the second but this belly really needs to go. Im stuck on one weight tho and never seem to go past, need some willpower and i know i can do it because i have done it before and lost lots of weight. its just getting it back!!! Im hoping being able to calorie count and be able to speak to you all will help me loads. x x x

    p.s - i totally agree with you in regards to getting a choclate bar than a meal..thats all i usually live of with running after a 6 month old and a 3 yr old.
  • chrissypops
    chrissypops Posts: 112 Member
    Congratulations to all of you who have had bubbas! I have got 2 daughters ( almost teenagers ) and a son who's 15 mth's old. Started using this site combined with a online local weightloss program and Ive lost 18lb in about 12 wks I think :D Im now pre pregnancy weight from my son, but would like to loss a stone to a stone half by Christmas this yr. ( so that will be all my baby weight gone! )

    How much do you ladies want /have to lose?

    Good luck on your weightloss journeys xx
  • im wanting to loose at least 2 stone, i was bigger after having my first child but i just got to a point where i dont want to go any bigger and really want to start to feel good about myself. i got trapped in thinking im a mum now i dont care what i look like but i doo and at the moment its a constant battle its hard when lil ones eat chocolate! and i cant haha. i will do it just dont have the willpower like i used to a couple of years ago. when i first met my partner i was about 5 stone lighter! then having the kids i just got bigger and bigger. its soo annoying. its so easy to put on yet so hard to get off! xx