Stronglifts questions

ianhollis68 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So here we go a few questions I have searched but found nothing specific.

Firstly I started Stronglifts 5x5 at the beginning of June having just turned 49 all has been going fairly swimmingly until today I got 57.5kg squats and was expecting 5x5 as per usual but the Stronglifts app asked for 3x5 which I duly completed, is this correct?

I'm also wondering what a reasonable OH Press would be my next session of these will be 40kg 5x5 which if I'm honest I'm not finding easy, am I expecting to much is 40kg heavier than I think or am I just a weed :)

Many thanks



  • ericmarkham5
    ericmarkham5 Posts: 8 Member
    At the age of 49 5x5 tends to become too much volume fairly quickly for squats. My first recommendations would be to lower to 3x5 and continue with your 2.5kg linear progression like normal so the fact that the app did that is probably for the same reason. I'm guessing since I'm not famIliar with the app

    For your overhead press 40kgx5x5 is decent but you're working with smaller muscle groups so it's harder to keep adding 2.5kg every time. First recommendation there is to keep going but only add 1kg or even as low as .5kg each workout for the press. You can do this for bench as well when it gets to hard. You can also lower the volume to 3x5 as well since it's more than enough volume to keep the linear progression going.

    Good luck
    P.S. we all start out week. Getting strong is hard. If it was easy everyone would do it.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    So here we go a few questions I have searched but found nothing specific.

    Firstly I started Stronglifts 5x5 at the beginning of June having just turned 49 all has been going fairly swimmingly until today I got 57.5kg squats and was expecting 5x5 as per usual but the Stronglifts app asked for 3x5 which I duly completed, is this correct?

    I'm also wondering what a reasonable OH Press would be my next session of these will be 40kg 5x5 which if I'm honest I'm not finding easy, am I expecting to much is 40kg heavier than I think or am I just a weed :)

    Many thanks


    Had you failed any of your 5x5 squat sessions? If you hadn't, then I'm inclined to think you may have inadvertently changed a setting in the app...the app changed me to 3x5 after I had to deload the same weight a few times.

    The way the program works is that you keep adding weight until you can't complete your sets. Then, if you fail the sets at that weight 3 times in a row you reduce the weight by 10% and work your way back up. Usually you can get past that weight you failed. Rinse and repeat.

    OHP is hard for me as a woman, I have no clue what's reasonable for a man... regardless, if it's too heavy for you and you don't complete your sets, follow the program and deload when necessary.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i can't possibly prescribe an exact overhead-press weight for you, but i thought i'd add this remark:

    i don't find that the overhead press is worth doing unless it's with weight manageable enough for me to do it well. it's just not a lift where you get very much return back for straying outside the form tolerance. and it's a bit of a feedback loop too. i've never wrecked a shoulder muscle by ego-ing press, but what i do find is that the form itself is very much a matter of being able to 'feel' the muscles. and as soon as you have one little deltoid or teres or something that's tweaked, that gets messed up so you can't do it well the next time around either, unless you heal fast.

    grains of salt: i'm a woman, so #upperbodylifts; i'm 52; and i already had a bit of a wonk in one shoulder before i even touched a barbell. so maybe i'm just a bit of a special case, but that's my experience. against those things i'm slightly proud of my [relative] ohp strength, and i really think that most of that comes from patience and precision instead of sheer grit.
  • ianhollis68
    ianhollis68 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for taking the time to reply and for your very useful comments

    Having read the stronglifts website again, it appears that the app does indeed change workouts independently depending on how your lifting seems fairly clever piece of kit, might also be time to invest in some fractional plates

    Once again thanks for your time
  • smithliam90
    smithliam90 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with Klrenn and canadianlbs' comments. Stronglifts and other beginner strength programs work on the principle of progressive overload, which means keep proper form and keep adding weight. If you're eating/hydrating properly and resting enough AND are still unable to progress then it's probably time to switch to a 3x5 program.

    A good way to think about your weights is relative to your body weight. What are your lifts as a % of your body weight?

    To give some perspective, Stronglifts was my first every weight training program and I switched to 3x5 at around a 1.5x bodyweight squat, 1x bw bench, 1x bw row and 0.65x bw overhead press. I'm not genetically gifted and I know people who go much further before switching.

    P.S. age is just a number. I'm confident you can smash through your current numbers, good luck!
  • ianhollis68
    ianhollis68 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks for the input Liam, Still progressing but just wondered really had i done something wrong with the App for it to suggest 3x5?, It seems not as having read the website again it looks like the App takes into account age and the likelihood of slower recovery and adjusts the workout in accordance with that.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I am pushing 105 lbs on the shoulder press... to get over that hump I have begun working supplementary exercises like bicep curls and tricep extensions and a few deltoid exercises... I have also decreased weight and increased reps to overcome these plateaus... progress will be non 52 my deads are hitting 230 lbs... bench 135... squats 220... shoulder 105... rows 105... goals are: deads 305; bench 225; squat 275; shoulder 185; row; 185... are they achieveable? I will find out in about 2 years... building muscle and strength takes a long time... be patient lift regularly, and don't be averse to doing additional lifts to target weak points to address those plateaus