Weak legs during exercise

Bit of background, had kids and total put on 3 stones. I know my upper body needs change.
Started 30 day shred and legs were very achey. By day 7 started feeling better but not totally. Now on level 2 and there's lots of leg movements and using legs etc. My legs still feel weak.
How long does it take for them to get stronger? Anything I can do to help? I'm pausing during workout because my legs ache more than feeling tired.


  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I think the aches are normal with the 30 day shred - it doesn't mean you are weak - it's your muscles working. I remember when I did it having leg pain the days after. Then once that was gone, it was arm pain.

    Try putting ice on your legs or taking a few days rest.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited July 2017
    I've had DOMs lots, where your legs are sore for a few days after exercise, but I've also had a couple incidents recently where I think my problem was more of a lactate buildup, because I was exercising at a higher intensity than my lungs/cardio system could handle. My legs were sore during the last part of my exercise (it was a cycling trip with seasoned cyclists) and all evening, but fine the next morning and the next few days. Google exercise induced lactic acidosis. If this seems to fit what you are going through, the good news is that your body will respond and improve as a result.

    Otoh, if it's making you miserable enough that there's a chance you might up and quit, then the obvious answer is to slow down. Personally I only want to exercise that far above my level on occasion, but that's just me.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Foam roller or rolling pin on them?

    I did the 30 day shred and I could barely walk up and down my stairs for many of those days. It will get better. But you'd need to stop and rest. Are you stretching?
  • Mummytofitmummy
    Mummytofitmummy Posts: 83 Member
    Not stretching enough! By the end my little one wants me so I shorten it.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    my chiropractor has been asserting for 25 years (to me) that stretches post-exercise build 'better quality' muscle. not more muscle, just smoother tissue with better alignment between the fibres. i sometimes listen to him and sometimes don't, but i do for-sure find that it's one of those things you can do now or do later . . . but if you leave it to later it's going to be a much bigger job.

    so there's that . . . and you don't really have to make your stretches a time-boxed type Thing. it also counts if you sneak in little moments of it while the kid's doing x or y. i'm rarely patient enough to hang around stretching after i lift or ride, but i can still do bits and pieces of it as i continue the rest of my day.

    also, afaik a bit of [relative] functional weakness seems to come with the territory of doms. if you still feel weak after you're ache-free again, that might be another story.