Need to lose 200 pounds! Who else is terrified?



  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    I feel for you, Katherine! Know that you're not alone. One logged day at a time, one food choice at a time, you'll get there!

    You mention feeling hungry right after you've eaten. I agree with the others that it's an issue of our stomachs being stretched from before so it feels like we need more food.

    But I've also found that for me, the act of eating puts me in this "eating" frame of mind, where regardless of my satiety I want to keep eating for the pleasure of it.

    So what I do is that when I feel that way after I've eaten my proper portion I set a timer for say, 30 min, and go do something else. I give myself permission that if I'm still hungry when it rings, I will eat more. Funny thing is, I never have! When it dings I'm usually busy doing something else, I feel full and don't want to eat anymore.

    Try it!
  • misskarliii
    misskarliii Posts: 4 Member
    I've slowly started dialing back my portions over the last couple months and I've found that it now takes a LOT less to make me feel full. Also, I've realized that the 3 meals a day thing just doesn't work for me. I have a small snack between breakfast and lunch (usually a banana) and sometimes between lunch and dinner. I keep my meals a little bit smaller to allow for the extra calories, but I've found that those little 100-200 calorie snacks help me feel full all day. It takes the stress and anxiety out of trying not to eat. Also, as others have said, focusing on the numbers on the scale can be really tricky. I've found that measuring my progress in other ways is more helpful- like how do my clothes fit, can I lift more, can I run farther, how was my pace improved, what is my waist measurement, but most importantly: HOW DO I FEEL? Hope this helps! Good luck to you!
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    I've posted a link to a great thread to lose 100 pounds. I have about 120 to lose and I've decided to set smaller goals. The site offers some short challenges. Also, be sure to get your thyroid checked. I've had issues for years and I am always hungry because it is hard to get the right prescription.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi Katherine. Well I managed to lose 120lbs (gained some of it back so trying to relose it) I am not going to insult your intelligence and say it is easy but it is not as difficult as you think it is. Part of you will think you are condemned to be overweight the rest of your life, this is how I felt but it is not true. Rather than thinking you have to lose 200lbs why not think of it as I need to lose 10lbs. I found setting myself mini goals much more motivating than thinking of all that weight as a whole which feels so scary and unachievable. One of the most important things to remember is that you need to get your head and motivation in the right space. You are not going to lose this weight overnight, be realistic in your goals, accept it will take time and most of all try to work with what sort of eater you are for example I am a snacker, I work from home and I pick pick pick. I am a comfort eater too. I know i will not work well on just 3 meals a day so I split my calories up into 6 meals - breakfast, lunch dinner plus 3 small snacks. I eat about every 2-3 hours I find this stops me bingeing. There are going to be days you fall off the wagon, accept that and move on. I add a side salad to my lunch and dinner so make my plate look full. I allow myself sweet treats but I budget for them in my calories and I do try to substitute cookies with fruit. It takes a while for your palette to adjust but it really does. If you must eat something try to choose a healthy option so at least you are getting some nutrition but don't eat things you do not enjoy. Those calories are precious and you should enjoy every one of them. You do not have to go to the gym, I walked and continue to do so. I struggled because of my weight but I built up slowly with short periods of 10 minutes and I lost a bit of weight before I started but you know what? Last September I did a walking marathon for charity around London, yep me that could not walk a few yards down the road 4 years ago actually did a Marathon! It is NOT hopeless, you can do this but you have to be organised, you have to be truthful with yourself and you have to be realistic. Best of luck to you and if you want to add me as a friend please feel free because I totally understand how you feel.
  • 66ray66
    66ray66 Posts: 822 Member
    my name is raymond and have become morbidly obese in what i call a blink of an eye in my life. I was very athletic most of my life, and very socially active, until about the time i was 30 yrs old. I AM 50 now, and sadly nearly doubled my weight in under 20 years. I hope you're sitting for this...I bought a scale 2 months ago that maxed out at 500 Lbs. and when i received it, i was so excited to finally weigh myself, so that i can begin my journey to start living again. I was tired of missing my 2 sons school events and ceremonies, the worst was that I couldn't attend my youngest sons college graduation, specially because he was the first in my family to do so.
    So, back to opening of the scale...I turned it on, set it down, and stood on it...Tahh Dahh! The scale displayed ERROR, which meant, its over the MAX. Talk about a dagger to the gut! I was so angry, that i repacked it and had it sent back, telling the company that it was broken, and didn't work right. Hows that for being in denial...after a few days, i finally came too, and admitted to myself the very very sad reality of what has become of me. So on a friday, this June i went to visit my Dr(which is really compassionate and helpful). and my journey began that following monday. i started swimming 30-35 minutes 6 days per week, and started watching my food quality, and quantities...On or about July 10, i found this website to help me start logging all my activities, and i also bought a device that helps to keep track of my exercise and calories burned, and let me tell you, this logging in stuff really has helped me, for when i feel I'm getting a little weak in my eating habits, i just look at all the sacrifice and progress I've made. Another thing that helps with eating, or feeling hungry, is that knowing you can over do it, if it's fresh and green. You'd be surprised how many things and ways you can STUFF yourself with and it's very healthy for you. Fruits, Veggies, favorite, making guacamole and using about 4 to 5 Tbs in a GIANT Green Salad(about 12-16 oz of greens).
    NO Cheese, Bacon Bits or get the picture. Heck, add 1/2 c of raisins, walnuts, about 6 oz of shredded chicken and i will bet you, you may not be able to finish it...and you will be stuffed...for a matter of fact, your next meal will come in about 4 hours and you will not be hungry. Oh, and don't forget your daily minimum of 64 oz of water. So in closing, you might be curious on my status, well, you and me see, i decided not to weigh myself for the first time until August 13 of this year...but i can tell you this, I feel much lighter, my clothes drapes on me, and i am not out of breath as easy, and i finally reached my goal of swimming 1/2 mile...of course I'm not doing that for my regimine, It's more like 650 meters per workout in 30-35 minutes is enough, which burns close to 1000 calories depending on my intensity.
    So, you are NOT alone, and like we always hear, someone can always be worse off, so you can make me that person.
  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    One thing I earned about myself is that when I eat anything with gluten in it my stomach never registers that I am full. After I stopped eating wheat, barley and rye my stomach now let's me know I've had enough. It was a brand new feeling to me. I had 175 pounds to lose and I have lost almost 100. I don't buy a lot of gluten-free stuff because it is costly but I do buy or else make some gluten-free bread to have when I really want a sandwich. Let me know if you want to know more. It might help you get started.
  • ankur02964
    ankur02964 Posts: 10 Member
    Well for starters, it's not as complicated as everyone around makes you feel. I weighed 226 lbs and its been 20 days and I've lost around 12 lbs. Doing what? Walking a bit. Like literally, i'm not a gym freak. I walk for around 30 mins a day and stay under my calorie deficit, i.e. 1500. I remember the times when every meal of mine used to be around 1000-1200 and now I'm eating that much in a day.(that was like 20 days). So yeah. Its hard, but not ultra hard.
  • tonygermano2
    tonygermano2 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Let myself go and now have 190 to lose. I guess i didn't gain it in a day so I can't lose it on a day. I keep telling me myself each brick helps to build a foundation but no one can support a structure on its own.
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    Forget about the 'end result', forget about the overall numbers.... they are big and they feel insurmountable at times.

    It sounds hollow but take it a day or a week at a time... Focus on your food for today ... get over today well ... then tomorrow you do it again ...

    I've not done a single step in excecise yet (knee and ankle pain) but i've just been dealing with this on a day by day basis and i'm down 57lb. Thats a real change... its a change i feel (my trousers are very loose and i need a new belt) ... has it fixed all my problems? No ... do i have a long way to go - i don't care...

    Am i starving myself? NO!
    Am i going through days feeling hungry? NO!
    Do i deny myself cookies or ice cream if i really want them? NO!

    Find what foods work for you in terms of weight loss and hunger. its very personal ... but know that you will go out to parties/events/meals... you won't always be 'good' ... but in the end its a trend ... its an overall progression and eating for the person you want to end up as.

    Forget about the weekly weight loss 'weigh in' ... i've gone through 2 phases now where i started to feel a bit defeated because even though i was sticking to my macros it wasn't changing (3 weeks or more) .... then all of a sudden it seems to catch up ... Weight loss is not linear ...

    I've just crossed through a number which does mean something to me but it is just a stepping stone... i don't know how long it'll be before i get to some kind of goal ... i am not setting one right now

  • 70sjam
    70sjam Posts: 4 Member
    I joined a few years ago, lost 40 lbs. Gained some back and since getting my fitbit at Christmas 2016 have lost 15. I'm 47, 375lbs, have Osteoarthiritis. I have a soon to be 5 y.o. daughter, and am married. My wife has MS, FIBRO, diabetes, and back pain. She is a stay at home mom, also overweight, but not has heavy. I work full time. Our biggest problem is lack of meal planning and cooking. I need friends and support. Thank you!!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I lost 70lb once and made myself unwell on a crazy self inflicted salad diet but then gained it all back plus lots more. I eventually hit 300lb and the shock of that sent me to food addicts in recovery anonymouse where I lost 126lb in 9months but then life got on top of me and I quit. Fast forward 7 years and I hit 336lb. been yoyo dieting for last 26 years solid trying all sorts of things. I went back to food addicts in recovery anonymous 3 weeks ago and that has got me back on track. I don't know if I can stick with that group but I hope I can maintain some of the good habits they get me into when I work with them, it really works but requires a huge amount of surrender and commitment, more than I can imagine sustaining much longer.

    One thing that I have noticed over my decades of battle with food and weight is fiber is my best friend when it comes to beating the hunger and cravings. I know its a cliche but having a big salad with main meals really helps me. I am talking 170g plus of raw veg with lunch and dinner. Also at least same amount of cooked veg. Veg is low calorie and high fiber. A high fiber food plan really helps me remain more satisfied. I am getting 40g a day, build up slowly though if not used to so much or might get the runs. Also sticking to mostly whole foods and avoiding processed sugar and sweeteners really helps reduce cravings. Stay busy and avoid eating while watching TV ect.

  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you and I know exactly how you feel. I actually have a serious condition called intracranial hypertension, which basically just means my brain produces too much cerebral fluid, which causes severe headaches, dizzy spells and vision loss. Weight gain is usually what triggers it. I was diagnosed with it when I was 21. I managed to get through 11 years without a flare up and now I'm 32 at my highest weight and it has come back with a vengeance. If I don't lose weight I will have to take this AWFUL medication for the rest of my life. It's known for its horrible side effects. I'm on it right now and I can barely function. I'm just so fed up with my whole situation. I can never stay consistent for more then two weeks when it comes to weightloss. I'm so tired of failing all the time. We can't give up though. We just can't!
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    There were some myfitnesspal groups that used to be helpful, maybe we could get them active again, groups tend to die out as members quit or succeed etc.There is also a longterm thread on this motivation and support section called Robins Thread, that is for people with a lot to lose.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    You're not alone, by far.

    I'm probably going to repeat a lot of what has already been said, but hey, another voice of experience and whatnot:
    I currently weigh 240 lbs below my highest. My weight loss was very not linear...I had some significant loss and regains in the past, for sure. If I had started out focusing on needing to lose 200+ lbs from the get-go, it would have been a near impossible task. You can easily break that goal down to smaller goals, because everything really does add up. Need to lose 200 lbs? The first 2 lb loss makes 1% of your goal! 10 lbs is a great milestone, and 5% of your goal. Are there numbers on the scale that have significance? Every time I hit a # below a 50 or a 00 mark, I celebrated the fact that I made it past the "ka-chunk" that the old school doctor's scales make as the 50 lb marker gets moved. Getting below 300? Victory dance! 200? WHAAAAAAAAAAT? Onederland! Pick some numbers that have significance to you, and celebrate those victories.

    Set up incentives and rewards. A mani-pedi? New clothes? New shoes? Some progress pics?

    Think of things to focus on other than the scale, too. What new things can your body do? What fitness event can you participate in? Your first 5K? (We do those each month as a family, and yes, I "only" walk, as my severe OA prevents me from running. Nothing wrong with walking---every little bit helps).

    Will you slip up? Uh, probably. You're human. I sure did. The important thing is to let a bad day be just that, a bad DAY. Try not to let it be a bad week, or a bad month. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and focus again on your health.

    It wouldn't hurt to visit your doctor. Look at your BP, your A1C, etc. Health is a big picture. Maybe your doctor will have a plan that helps you, or a nutritionist to refer you to, or a specialist. Is your thyroid in working order? It's worth making sure. Use any tool at your disposal...and by all means, USE MFP. LOG LOG LOG.

    You can do it. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can.