Looking for a Weight Loss Partner

I'm 59 and starting over once again, only this time I have given myself a deadline of a year to fit into my smaller clothes. I need someone to help me be accountable, especially because I hate weighting, measuring, and tracking. I know it is the only way the weight will come off but I dislike it all the same.


  • joyjoyisthebest
    joyjoyisthebest Posts: 2 Member
    I am also starting a journey of losing weight. I would love to have a weight loss partner as well, it would be wonderful supporting each other. I have had some major challenges in my life that lead to the weight gain, but I believe it is time for a change. Let me know if interested
  • NbNiobium
    NbNiobium Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in guys. I believe if we work together, we can definitely achieve our goals. You guys can send me friend request , if interested.
  • fatprincess4now
    fatprincess4now Posts: 15 Member
    Count me in also. Add me for a a friend. I have done so well but now I am stuck and still have 30 to go. All mfp quit so I could use some help and give help.