Quiting working out

Been doing this 8 years had results lost them due to injuries now finally back at it but doctors say i need to do work outs where im sitting on machines or flare ups again will happen. Im too the point of just calling quits and seeing others buffer well not helping me just makes me feel down the way i am. No idea what to do?


  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Don't give up. Do what you can. Sucks but injuries happen and we learn to adapt to accommodate them. Hope you can get through this slump
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    That i can do but this is something i was born with that get flared up easily
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    I guess is the risk of flare ups worth it just so you can workout? I've lots of recurring things that flare up from time to time. I try to avoid those cause they suck
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are the potential flare ups?
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't give up - figure out what triggers the flare ups and some how do a moderation of that exercise. Keep moving is my advice - Pain can really play havoc on your mental state...don't let it get to you. Keep moving - keep praying.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    My flares up is if i dont sit down working out is groin for whatever reason i was born with fluid in it a little and when i stand up work out flares up and ive done sitting ones just want to get buff like others. Was injured for 3 months due to completely pulled tendon on wrist ive started back it healed and on week 2.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    What doctors told me to avoid was squats deadlifts leg press anything that im not sitting on chair
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    edited July 2017
    Googling 'Exercises while sitting' turned up a number of links. I'm not sure if they're too basic for you, but they might give you ideas to start with.

  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    What doctors told me to avoid was squats deadlifts leg press anything that im not sitting on chair

    You sit for leg presses and you can do quad extensions and hamstring curls and seated calf raises. Most upper body and chest/back exercises are or can be done sitting the same with arms....
  • Sara2652
    Sara2652 Posts: 158 Member
    Can you swim?
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I can swim yes i do leg curls extensions everything upper abs chest triceps biceps back extensions i do all those and close grip benching bench press and dumbbells ill check our those sites you gave me. Thank you all.
  • big_jon_1988
    big_jon_1988 Posts: 58 Member
    Dude don't quit working out, that's weak. Get a second opinion, doctors are not always the best for advice when it comes to exercise, they'll often say you shouldn't do specific things, but that's not necessarily thier expertise. My advice is to research a little and find a good phisiotherepist in your area, and see what they can do for you. It sounds like your situation is pretty specific, but a good phisiotherepist will probably be able to find you a happy medium between working out and not flaring up.
  • breham2017
    breham2017 Posts: 1 Member
    I have arthritis really bad in my back. It is really hard to do a lot of workouts because I have to do things that feel more comfortable to me so I don't mess up my injury even more. I've always had back issues not just the arthritis. You have to just try things figure out what works and stick to a retinue. That's all I can say about it! Some days suck so go easy but when you feel good do what you can do! Don't hurt yourself more read your body well by keeping and eye on what's a sore pain and what's a injury pain. (My experience they sometimes feel the same! So be carful!) hope this helps!
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    edited July 2017
    Been doing this 8 years had results lost them due to injuries now finally back at it but doctors say i need to do work outs where im sitting on machines or flare ups again will happen. Im too the point of just calling quits and seeing others buffer well not helping me just makes me feel down the way i am. No idea what to do?

    We all go through injuries, and every individual is a different case. Whats worked for one might not work for you, so taking advice from the internet is a little tricky in this matter.

    I would stick with what your doctors tell you really. Understand your limitations and weaknesses, and do workouts depending on those.
    Right off the bat, I can think of swimming, and upper body workouts but you should ask your doctors about them first. You don't have to do squats and deadlifts to workout, there are thousands of workouts out there, find the ones your body agrees with.
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I can only do seated lifting because of problems with my feet. I have to do all the leg machines to make up for not being able to squat, but it works. I use a combination of free weights and machines for upper body.

    At first, my doctors had me on complete rest, which was awful, so I've been slowly building up strength from weakened and sometimes atrophied muscles. If you quit, you'll end up where I was, and believe me, starting from scratch is not at all fun.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Have you had a consult/referral to a physical therapist? She/he could help you understand which exercises won't exacerabate your condition.

    I'm very fortunate in that my PT (I just finished rehab after ACL surgery) also is a personal trainer and will meet me at the gym to help me build a safe workout routine.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I have a physical theorpist she is my mom who been helping me too