What got you going to the gym? What kept you there?



  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I got my gym membership at 19 and had that membership until I was 35 and I moved. I sorta went for classes, to use the pool, or the indoor track in the summer, but not often. I really only kept the membership because it was only $144 a year and I was always going to go and get in shape.

    It wasn't until my husband and I had the idea to get a weight set for our home that I actually started going to the gym. I think my big motivator for working out is not having to drive anywhere. I haven't had a gym membership in a year and have probably logged more hours of exercise than any year I had a membership.
  • koocoomoo
    koocoomoo Posts: 5 Member
    It helps me feel better and less stressed emotionally. I am also less fatigued and have more energy. And finishing a hard workout makes you feel like a boss so... increased confidence and self esteem.
    Those are more sustainable motivators for me
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Most weeks I go seven days a week. I went from completely not working out to getting antsy when I don't. I feel like a different person. When I go there, I am there for ME and only ME. It's my playground for competing against myself. So much of my life is as xyz's wife, xyz's mom, director of this, manager of that, but this is ME for me. I don't rely on anyone but myself. Before I felt invisible to the world, whether I was or not is a different story but there because I'm consistent with my schedule, others see my progress and I see theirs and nods and smiles are passed around. Headphones on and I don't have to talk to anyone either.

    I take a daily selfie to track my progress but being down 8 sizes feels pretty good too. I know as a big girl I am silently quite a few peoples motivation as well.

    I quit the excuses. Finally.
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    I went to a local MMA show one Saturday night with a friend who trained BJJ at the local MMA Gym. I had watched a little UFC before, but seeing MMA live triggered something in me. I tried a class at my buddy's gym two days later.

    Something clicked. I loathe traditional gyms, but my MMA Gym keeps me coming back because I get a killer workout and never have to run on treadmill or lift a weight, I am learning an actual skill, and we have a camaraderie in our little subculture that I haven't had in my life in a long time.

    I go 7 to 10 times a week and am always looking for a way to slip in and get even more work done.
  • fit_knitter
    fit_knitter Posts: 16 Member
    I started going last summer largely to have a break from my kids. I'm a SAHM and was feeling depressed and gaining weight like crazy. I joined the gym to have some time to myself and hopefully lose weight. I started out just working out (mostly cardio and circuits on the weight machines) and not enjoying it. Then gradually I didn't hate it, then realized it was the only time of day I felt relaxed and then eventually I grew to love it and it is the time of day when my brain isn't going a million miles an hour. I can tell a difference in my mood on days that I don't work out and I feel antsy too if I'm not active at all. This is the first time in my life I've enjoyed physical activity and that keeps me going because I don't want to lose this feeling.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I started going (again) because I was (still) fat and I didn't want to be fat anymore. I'd always had some kind of gym membership all of my adult life, but what I never had in any of that time was structure. When I stopped being a cardio bunny and found out how awesome lifting was, I got on a program and kept going.

    I stopped going when it became a constant battle for equipment. I didn't have a lot of time to devote to standing around waiting for what I needed, so I pieced together a home gym and never looked back. Progress, results, and not wanting to be that fat version of myself are what keep me in the gym.

    My office has a nice gym I utilize for cardio during the winter months, but when it's nice out, I prefer my cardio to be outdoors. I ride my bike, I walk, play catch with my kids, etc.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have always been active (cross country and track in high school) and anytime in the past that I've not made being active a priority I have gained weight. In college I didn't go to a gym or work out and after gaining some weight I started playing DDR (dance dance revolution) in my apartment and watching what I ate and had awesome success. After that success I was rewarded with a husband. We moved out of state and started eating cookies every night and I gained 15 lbs. Started going to my gym at work after a few months, lost a few lbs, got pregnant, couldn't work out due to incompetent cervix, had baby via c-sec and breastfed for 16 months, didn't start back at the gym again till about 9 months post partum where I finally lost the last 15 lbs of pregnancy weight. I've been a regular at the gym ever since. Enjoyment in the activities and easier weight maintenance has kept me going back.
  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    I started going to the gym to get strong.

    I kept coming back because of the PRs.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I joined a new gym near my house initially to lose weight. I actually went in to check it out, not thinking I would actually join. The owner made me fee comfortable and it is a smaller gym so I joined. With the membership I got two free sessions with a personal trainer. The first one was just showing me how to use all the equipment, the second one was a little more in depth. This was almost 8 years ago.

    Initially the results with weight loss kept me there. Then it became the fitness goals. Now it is still the fitness goals, but also my mental health that keeps me going. I get anxious when I miss more than two days of working out.
  • rgrant85
    rgrant85 Posts: 2 Member
    I started going to the gym years ago because I wanted to get stronger and lose fat. I've had success with it over the years and when I gain weight, I can usually trace it back to walking away from the gym and falling back into horrible habits.

    I keep going back because I love challenging myself with strength training. Now I have a goal of cutting my body fat down to 10-15%. That will get me close to what I looked like in college. I'll never BE that guy again but I can see what he looks like at 50.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited July 2017
    This picture:


    I remember seeing this picture on instagram one day and it just totally making me want to start working out immediately. As a previous 8-pack gymnast I was thinking it was something i could accomplish (naturally) and within 6-12 months with exercise. LOL... oh rain, so naive.

    What kept me in the gym was my inherent passion for sports and my competitive nature. :)
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    I signed up for 8 weeks of personal training with a friend. Lost 2 inches from my waist and dropped a size despite only loosing 6 pounds over the 8 weeks. Talk about motivation!
  • aaimar16
    aaimar16 Posts: 3 Member
    I started the gym because it's hard to exercise at home and I had hit a plateau in my weight loss. I joined a month ago and go 4 times a week, I spend 30 mins on cardio and about 45 minutes on the weight machines. I have so much more energy my body is so much toner and it's a great stress reliever. It makes you feel so good.
  • coralred1965
    coralred1965 Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2017
    I've always been skinny/fat. I'm only 5ft 2 and 108lb. For years I did swimming and bike riding. And although I had a good shape I never felt "toned".Then for some reason one day I decided to try the machines at the gym, as the gym package was cheaper than going swimming all the time and it included swimming sauna and steam rooms. One of the staff told me (they could've told me earlier as I'd been swimming their for years).
    I started lifting light and loved it. I hired a personal trainer for an hour to show me the main compound movements and check my form as Ive Sciatica so I can't lift heavy with squats but I found that my body comp changed a hell of a lot quicker and wished I'd done it years ago.
    I had an injury so I gave up for a few months and also changed gyms as the one I went to got too expensive. So I've sort of started again this July. And with eating at maintenance I can see it's not going to take me too long to get back to where I left off last year.
    I'm 52 ,and most,if not all of my friends are moaning about their weight gain and menopause and what do you expect at our age. They keep saying why do I go as I don't need to loose weight! But it's more for health reasons. Lifting is good for the bones and its a preventative hobby as well as a feel good one for me. I'll keep going for as long as I can

  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    when i started, i did not go to gym to exercise! :noway:
    i went to "earn" my shower! i wanted to get a bit sweaty first so sometimes i'd just go and sit in the sauna. :laugh:
    and putting my toddler in their daycare was nice break for both she and I.

    so i went to a gym very close and convenient most every day.

    that was almost 100 lbs (and 15 yrs) ago! :noway: (pics in my profile if you want to see!)

    now i go to the gym and enjoy working my body every day. :heart: the best habit for this obsessive lady! :heart:
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Lost a bunch of weight by moving more and eating less, heard lifting iron was good for keeping muscle mass, got addicted to it. Got sick as hell and used it for recovery. Now it's chasing bigger numbers and learning how ot program lifts beyond a novice stage so I can start coaching in my retirement years.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    I was 14 when I Started lifting because I wanted to look like a super hero or a pro wrestler.
    Even boys grow up with body images.