Looking for MFP friends !

Hello!! I've used MFP before to lose weight and enjoy having people's accomplishments in my news feed!! I've lost about 10lbs in the last couple of months.

I'm from Sussex UK, 5'2 and 125bs. I started at 135lbs ish (probably a bit bigger but didn't weigh), and I wanna get down to about 110? My fat stores on my stomach so I have to lose so much fat to get a flat tummy!!

Tell me about yourself :~~))


  • chrisgsymfp
    chrisgsymfp Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm a dad weighing 236lbs I have always been the big guy and that's what people call me I could do with friends to help me on my journey.
  • DaveAddams
    DaveAddams Posts: 62 Member
    i'm 53, and trying to shift a good few lbs, i did this before a few years ago, i managed to get down from 18st 7lbs, to 12st 13lbs in about 9 months, but being a courier means i spent a lot of the day just sitting driving, and so i put most of the weight back on again, i've started again at 17st 5lbs on May 17th, i am now down to 15st 11lbs, i've still a way to go yet, but i'm determined to get back down to my profile picture size of 13st 7lbs. it's hard work, there's no denying it, my biggest issue is my stomach, i seem to be losing from everywhere else, but the stomach seems to be standing its ground and not disappearing.
    Good luck with your quest, keep me informed if you manage to find a magic cure for fat tums
  • marvelfanatic903
    marvelfanatic903 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm David from Sheffield, England about 2 month ago I weighed 23 and a half Stone I'm now 21 and a half Stone. My main goal was loosing weight for my brother's wedding.

    If there are any doubters' out there you can do it. All you need is a desire and commitment.
  • Dave4381
    Dave4381 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys I'm a yoyo dieter but am hoping to just to this time. I've currently lost 4 stone and am down to 21st 7lb so still a way to go. Add me for support
  • b3434
    b3434 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi...I have a lot of weight to lose. Been through some stuff and was eating to help my emotions. Now I want to get it all off again. Would love support if anyone wants to add me!