Hey All!

My name is Katie and a friend of mine belongs to this site and has had the kind of results I'd love to get!
I am a 24 year old single mom to a 10 month old handsome boy. I work full time as a daycare teacher.
I'm trying to lose all my baby weight! After his birth I dropped 23 pounds in a WEEK and then nothing. And then
I gained it all back. So I'd like to get back to my pre pregnancy weight and fit into all my cuter skinnier clothes ;)
My goal is to lose 50 pounds... I started watching my diet and lost 4 pounds last week so I have more motivation
to keep this weightloss going! Wish me luck and good luck to all of you as well!


  • jamhamster
    jamhamster Posts: 98 Member
    Welcome to MFP I've also struggled to lose after having kids (I have 4) my youngest is 9 months now, I've tried allsort's of diet's and nothing suited me but this site has worked great have lost 11 lb in 16 days :) good luck with your weight loss feel free to add me for help and support
  • joejoe21
    joejoe21 Posts: 22
    wow great start keep up the good work and stay on track . I as well want to lose about 45 50 lbs and i also work at a daycare i see that we have a lot in common if you need any support please feel free to message me im in the same weight lose boat !!
  • xokatiekatherinexo
    Thanks girls! I never struggled to lose weight before having my son, but then again I
    never really had any to worry about losing! I would love to be happy about my body/
    weight and possibly get back into dating again and be able to do all sorts of fun
    things with my son when he's older. As it is, I'm so terribly out of shape that I huff
    and puff when I play kickball with my kids at work. I used to be so much more fun
    for them. I'd love to be able to play with all of them, but my son is most important
    to me and by the time he's old enough to remember, I'd like his only memories of
    Mom to be a thin, athletic, fun mom... not one who sits on the sidelines and tells him
    to go play while I watch! It's bad enough that all of our pics so far have me looking
    the way I do. I'm so embarrassed by the fact that he'll see them when he's older! This
    isn't the way I want him to remember me looking.