My goal: - 50lbs! Anybody else?? Add me



  • jacki83176
    jacki83176 Posts: 1 Member
    Like all of you guys in this thread, I also need to lose 50 lbs to get to a healthy weight. I am 5ft tall, 185 lbs and currently at my highest weight ever. I've been struggling with swollen ankles and feet now. I'm just so sick of being overweight and not knowing how to control it. My problem areas are portion control and just loving food too much in general. I'm hoping I can join your group so we can ban together and fight our battle together.
  • vivianr512
    vivianr512 Posts: 5 Member
    One day at a time let's do this
  • vivianr512
    vivianr512 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a 2 tip for everyone here I start my morning with a papaya shake and the ingredients are as follow 1cup of papaya 1spoon of honey one spoon of raw oats 2 spoon of flax seeds and 2 cups of water
    Next one is at night prepare this water to drink next day all day long
    2 litters of water 1 cucumber if big just use have 1 lemon cut in slice squeeze the juice in the water first then add 1 spoon of ginger root
    I have been doing this I lost already 3 pound in two week plus I do exercise and eat veggies
  • rojiblankalizz
    rojiblankalizz Posts: 38 Member
    jacki83176 wrote: »
    Like all of you guys in this thread, I also need to lose 50 lbs to get to a healthy weight. I am 5ft tall, 185 lbs and currently at my highest weight ever. I've been struggling with swollen ankles and feet now. I'm just so sick of being overweight and not knowing how to control it. My problem areas are portion control and just loving food too much in general. I'm hoping I can join your group so we can ban together and fight our battle together.

    I'm 5'7" and 200 so I feel ya!!.....and I love food too ...its been hard but I'm doing it, just watching carefully at the labels to keep my limit calorie intake and drinking lots of water and exercising! I know we can do it!!
  • muffy12
    muffy12 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 40 and just starting today . Please feel free to add me .
  • vivianr512
    vivianr512 Posts: 5 Member
    I started at 187 and I'm 5'3 I'm at 180 right now and I have 2 children
  • skinnieminnie07
    skinnieminnie07 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome, same here I'm trying to lose 50 lbs. I just started I'm with yall. Women let's do this. From Missouri
    Girls add me if yall want. Us girls motivated each other an we all will succeed our goals that we're reaching for. Let's do this
  • RiveraMarylou
    RiveraMarylou Posts: 181 Member
    My goal is to lose 100 lbs., but am setting my goal at 50 lbs. so that It won't seem too impossible. I was down 11 lbs., but after taking a week's vacation, I have put 2 more on, which isn't bad, considering I ate out most the time.
    Perhaps we should start a 50s group?
  • kitcat2897
    kitcat2897 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in! My goal is 50 lbs too!
  • LeonJenk
    LeonJenk Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to lose 60lbs. (230 to 170). I've actually done it once before but I let it slip. Anyone feel free to add me. I would love the support cause I'm getting in my own head about it
  • Copesmomma
    Copesmomma Posts: 6 Member
    Yes. I need to lose 50+. You can add me. Just starting.
  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    I would love to lose 50 pounds. I just started working out again for the umpteenth time. I'm on my 3rd week of getting back to a healthier lifestyle. I could use some friends on here. Please add me too if you'd like
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    My goal is 75 and I've already lost 25, so just about 50 to go. The biggest thing I can say is that you can't have an "all or nothing" mentality. If you mess up, don't just quit. Get back on it the next day. Last weekend I went out, drank a good bit, had pizza, and clocked in double my calories. It took me three days of HARD work to lose the bloat/weight and get back to where I was on Friday. Don't give up and set a goal date. Some weeks you'll lose more, so weeks you'll gain, but if you're on track at the end of every timeline milestone, then you're good!
  • Mummytofitmummy
    Mummytofitmummy Posts: 83 Member
    Yes me.
    Add me
  • Fitoncemore
    Fitoncemore Posts: 8 Member
    Yes please add me!! I am trying to lose 50 pounds. Not easy in your 40's. I need friends for motivation!
  • shnookie70
    shnookie70 Posts: 91 Member
    I need to lose 50, but doing incremental goals so right now I'm shooting for 10. My biggest struggle is giving up after a couple weeks. So I'm just trying to stay committed and trying to not overwhelm or deprive myself. Thinking long term. Still trying to figure out how my margaritas are going to fit into all this.
  • stelafaro
    stelafaro Posts: 27 Member
    I have to lose 100 focusing on the first 50. to lose the 50 I am focusing on trying to lose 3-5 llbs a weeks to lose this I am focusing on one day at a time. Since I started logging I have lost 4 llbs a week two weeks in a row, trying to see if this stays consistent. Please add me, I could use all the support I can get. I know this is going to be a long journey. I am just trying to start a new lifestyle, so i never get this fat again!
  • meka41
    meka41 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new today is my first day but I'm with you lets do this!!1
  • rojiblankalizz
    rojiblankalizz Posts: 38 Member
    Let's do this!
  • ngoziish
    ngoziish Posts: 60 Member
    Take hid of Tinkerbellang83 advise. I am friends with her and she's got a really cool blog of her weight loss journey. Be sure to add her as a friend and checkout her profile. You can do this Gurl...We got your back if you are truly committed. Add me if you like...All the best!