Climbing and bouldering

spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
So I have some friends who are really into climbing and bouldering, and I've been thinking it might be fun to join them. Is there anyone on here who is overweight/ generally low fitness level who climbs? I don't want to jump into something I won't be able to do and make a fool of myself :)


  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
  • tetra85
    tetra85 Posts: 17 Member
    Ive just startet myself, and its fun! I belive there is climbing routes at various levels. Just start with some easy ones. ;)
  • delanthear
    delanthear Posts: 7 Member
    Both are really accessible for the less fit. Most centres will have quite a few easier routes/problems. The great thing is that you are only moving your weight about, so take it gently and you'll love it!
  • I started climbing in college, it was one of the best workouts i've ever done. I got toned all over from doing it. I didn't do bouldering as much because i was afraid of heights and falling but top roping is great. I wasn't very fit but I took my time and if your on a wall I'd start "rainbowing" no specific course of difficulty but just whatever holds you can get to gain strength. then start with the lower level difficulty courses over time and work up to it.

    I miss doing it but it's expensive for me while i'm in school. Once i graduate and make decent money I'll be back at it.