Yep! Eat more, lose more!

Okay, so last week posted about the fact that I'd lost no weight the week before and decided to up my calories from 1200 to between 1300-1500 per day (with exercise, of course). Well, it worked! I lost 4 pounds last week! It sounds so strange to eat to lose, but our bodies need the fuel to keep our metabolisms running. I'm a believer now! Hooray! I just make sure to have a lot of healty snacks on hand all day long. It's so much easier to do M-F while I'm at work, than it is to do on the weekends without having a set schedule. I just pack up everything I think I might need in the morning then log all foods that I brought with me into the food log. I'm going to stick to this for a while and see how well things go. With any luck I'll be getting those size smaller pants at the beginning of March!


  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Okay, so last week posted about the fact that I'd lost no weight the week before and decided to up my calories from 1200 to between 1300-1500 per day (with exercise, of course). Well, it worked! I lost 4 pounds last week! It sounds so strange to eat to lose, but our bodies need the fuel to keep our metabolisms running. I'm a believer now! Hooray! I just make sure to have a lot of healty snacks on hand all day long. It's so much easier to do M-F while I'm at work, than it is to do on the weekends without having a set schedule. I just pack up everything I think I might need in the morning then log all foods that I brought with me into the food log. I'm going to stick to this for a while and see how well things go. With any luck I'll be getting those size smaller pants at the beginning of March!
  • musclemama
    Eat every 2-3 hours just to keep that metabolism humming along. Lotsa water too.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Sounds like you might have hit the best plan for yourself. Congrats and keep up the pace!
  • badtzmaru7979
    im doing the same thing. i use to only eat one very large meal a day. dinner. now i snack on veggies all day long til my same big dinner. and ive lost 10 pounds.

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I am lucky to work from home now, but when I had to drive to the office I would pack everything, snacks, lunch and sometimes even breakfast that way if I really wanted my turkey sandwich at 10 am I had it and then I had the snacks later, it gives you options you don't have when you are winging it!

    great job!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    That's great! Keep up the good work!
  • bigdane321
    bigdane321 Posts: 233 Member
    What time is it? Time to eat. great job keep it up.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I have to say, it's quite odd and I still haven't got it right. I ate my way round a fair yesterday and have apparently lost a couple of pounds from Saturday already. I do exercise heavily, but even giving and eating up the points I earned, I rarely seem to get it right. I either eat a lot, lose, then gain it back by actually sticking to my points, or I don't lose by sticking to my points.

    When will it balance out for a STEADY weight loss???
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    that is awesome. it is funny how things end up making sense in the end, no matter how many people try to take the logic out of it. Come on, eating more means losing more, what are you crazy????:tongue:

    I am a believer. You're doing a wonderful job and just continue doing what you did last week and savour those extra calories you are now allowed to eat.
  • alaskagal
    Fantastic results! Great job! What an inspiration to others who are struggling with this very issue.

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    When will it balance out for a STEADY weight loss???

    Hehe...probably never. Weight loss is far from linear. It's not like you've gained 1-2 lbs per week every week to get to where you are now. Your body isn't a machine like a computer is a machine; it doesn't run on numbers. It would be great if 3500 calories burnt really meant an entire lb of fat was gone, but it simply doesn't. Nor does a lb of weight loss or gain mean a lb of fat was lost or gained. That's why weight is really the poorest gauge of's much more important to measure inches and body fat to determine your size and body composition.