The Chill Accountability Crowd



  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    are we supposed to post our diary every day? Sorry I'm new here haha
  • AshEvelynn
    AshEvelynn Posts: 205 Member
    I am also curious MrsNatty
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    So far I'm just coming to spam the group with my daily chit chat... my diary IS set to public though so anyone can feel free to have a creep. Sorry to disappoint I eat the same stuff over and over lol
  • are we supposed to post our diary every day? Sorry I'm new here haha

    I think I read somewhere we can just post whenever we feel like it! But I haven't had my coffee yet so..
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited July 2017
    Ohhh, @daniellemichellecowger - In and Out burger! I am having food envy!

    Seconded! I don't really enjoy fast food much and I still love In & Out. Maybe it's for the best I moved away from the west coast. Also, I loled a little at the otter pop entry - my spouse is addicted to those things. For the sake of whoever you live with, I hope you don't leave the wrappers all over the house like someone I know.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    Ohhh, @daniellemichellecowger - In and Out burger! I am having food envy!

    Seconded! I don't really enjoy fast food much and I still love In & Out. Maybe it's for the best I moved away from the west coast. Also, I loled a little at the otter pop entry - my spouse is addicted to those things. For the sake of whoever you live with, I hope you don't leave the wrappers all over the house like someone I know.

    Does your spouse roll the wrappers up into a gross little coil?
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Does your spouse roll the wrappers up into a gross little coil?

    Ewwww, no! He just had a bad habit of leaving the empties lying around, and then the cats would get at them (one of them loves chewing plastic), and then the little bit of leftover syrup would get all over the place. I put trash cans next to almost every place in the house that he sits down and that has largely solved the problem. Except for the back yard, but thankfully he doesn't eat back there often.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Had a great morning and feeling so on top of things.

    I rode my bike to boot camp this morning, that's me dragging the bike down 3 flights of stairs (elevator is under overhaul and has been down 2 months) then a hard 15 min ride there and back. I had to get there for 6 am so pretty impressed with myself.

    I am happy that I have been cooking more, my eating is going very well the past few days also. Not sure what dinner is gonna be, but I will make some kind of plan soon. Might hit up the grocery store after work and get a couple things.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Mizzy58
    Mizzy58 Posts: 47 Member
    Good for you Alibaba! Just hauling that bike is a workout. It's so much better to cook at home than eating out. When I do that I notice a weight loss. As soon as I step into a restaurant there goes my weight up again. So, I 'm learning to stay away for now. I went to the Dr. today and her scale was 10 lbs lighter than mine. That gave me a boost. They said it was correct. Oh, well. I'm going to go by mine though. I lost on my first week tracking. I am so happy. I put in to loose 1.5 a week and looks like it worked.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Hey folks!

    Been a little busy between work and housekeeping and errands!

    @finesseyourgoals we see you! Welcome!
    @Allibaba cute toes! And nice work!!
    @Mizzy58 where did you Doctor buy that scale and how can I get one!? Lol.
    @AshEvelynn and @mrsnattybulking yeah just post as you please. Ideally throw in the URL if you want ppl to easily access your diary. I usually throw in my URL at the start of my first post of the day. :)
    @daniellemichellecowger you got it right!
    And glad to see everyone is having a good time here :)
    Have a super chill day!
  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    hey i like the chill thing!

    I count calories but I try not to be obsessive about it, and I let hunger overrule all else. I also will go over a couple days a week to mix things up, and I will never let counting interfere with social life. And when I am hungry I always make an effort to opt for whole foods.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member

    Had a rough few days with energy levels, but I'm making some adjustments and feel better today. Sometimes this feels like an enormous science project and I'm trying to find just the right formula. That might be anti-chill ;-) I think I need to chill more and 'think' a little less.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    Is this group open to maintainers? How about ones who's diary is really wacky and makes no sense :D

    I've never logged consistently online throughout this whole process, but this year I'm challenging myself to eat a ridiculous amount of veggies and fruit. After struggling to do it with paper and pen, a few days ago I 'dusted' off my mfp food diary and I'm now trying to log all my veg/fruit intake, (I'm focusing on a set amount of grams every week and tracking is really helping with this). So I'm now tracking every day, for the first time ever, but all you'll see is veg/fruit in my diary lol.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    Is this group open to maintainers? How about ones who's diary is really wacky and makes no sense :D

    I've never logged consistently online throughout this whole process, but this year I'm challenging myself to eat a ridiculous amount of veggies and fruit. After struggling to do it with paper and pen, a few days ago I 'dusted' off my mfp food diary and I'm now trying to log all my veg/fruit intake, (I'm focusing on a set amount of grams every week and tracking is really helping with this). So I'm now tracking every day, for the first time ever, but all you'll see is veg/fruit in my diary lol.

    I hope so, because I'm basically a maintainer. And I totally get tracking just the thing that needs tracking. It's not about calories for all of us.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    @timtam163 I like your style! Welcome!

    @MommaGem2017 I hope the evening treats you well and you feel refreshed and revitalized. We all need some R&R now and then!

    @OliveGirl128 get it!! Yeah we are open to pretty much all cool folks who wanna participate, show off their dairy, and feel connected :)

    @JeepHair77 it's really about whatever works to help you feel good and healthy. No need to focus on calories or anything like that. Make it your own thing, simply log to be aware, or just for giggles! Or track sodium if that's what you like! Anything is cool. Really it's just about you doing you and letting others connect and cheer you on.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member

    Kinda ate all the things today. Not too bad, but I really wanna get to a point where my "eat more food" days are biweekly, not twice a week!

    So here's hoping my next higher-calorie day isn't till, oh say, August 3rd or later.
  • sammierader
    sammierader Posts: 9 Member
    So, I was just browsing and came across this. I could definitely use some motivation and accountability. I'm Sam, I will be 29 in just a couple weeks and I'm a stay at home mom currently to a very crazy and very cute 2 year old. I am doing the whole calorie counting thing right now and its actually working out for me. I gained far too much weight when I was pregnant and have been working on losing it since. I lost 63lbs in the first 18 months after having my son and in the last 18 months instead of losing the last 15-20lb I have GAINED BACK 5.

    My goal is to lose 20lbs by November as I have to attend a formal event and would like to not look like a busted can of biscuits in my dress. I have no idea if that's possible or even realistic in the next few months but heres to hoping!
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    @sammierader Hey there! Just do your best and don't worry about being perfect. You're among friendly folk, here. :blush:

  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    @Summer_Tulip How was the cauliflower crust pizza? My local TJ doesn't have it, but I've been curious
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    edited July 2017
    @MommaGem2017 it was

    ... beautiful :'(


    Lol, seriously it was so good it brought a single tear.
    And how was the asparagus risotto?! I think I've noticed that before. Oh you gotta try the mashed cauliflower!! And I'm sure the cauliflower pizza will make its way to you soon. (Or rather, I hope!)