The Chill Accountability Crowd



  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
    Please help hold me accountable to what I put in my body!

    I'm aiming for 1-2 cheat meals per week + 1 cheat dessert (I'm an absolute sucker for sweet stuff)

    I usually log 1100-1300 cal per day and don't eat my expended workout calories back (yoga daily + alternate days of cardio and butt/thighs training with 1 day break on Sundays) - still want to keep below 1600 calories on days I have a cheat meal.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    @bodwomon hello and welcome! You're in good company! Also, what are crabsticks? They sound delicious. :)
  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
    @Summer_Tulip Haha crabsticks taste good but are completely unhealthy and very processed >< but I try to add something small I enjoy to every meal so I don't end up hating myself (i.e. honey soy sauce to breakfast, meatballs crabsticks to lunch, almonds and walnuts to dinner). They're basically those red and white striped things you get on top / in sushi.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member
    Oh yum! I feel ya, @bodwomon :) I like to mix it up and eat different things too. Nothing wrong with that :)
  • Sharonl71
    Sharonl71 Posts: 4 Member

    I hope I have put link in correctly. Last week of term here so normal routine out of window, playgroup party yesterday and this morning then tomorrow I've been invited to a house party where I'm sure the nibbles and wine will be flowing freely. I don't have much to lose now around 7lb but need to take exercise more seriously to change body shape and gain strength, hope everyone is having a good day so far
  • lhutch70
    lhutch70 Posts: 7 Member
    New here, only 5 days in, and would love to join this group. Looking for accountability in my journey to lose 100 pounds and change my relationship with food. I'm trying to eat paleo but some days are better than others. Yesterday I ate a couple bites of spaghetti off my sons plate while cleaning up, not my proudest moment but I logged it and was honest.
  • Summer_Tulip
    Summer_Tulip Posts: 34 Member

    Decided to adjust my calories for just 0.5lb of loss and won't be tracking exercise burns after all. I read a lot of comments on how they can be inaccurate and I figured I might as well just work out as hard as I can whenever I can and try to keep my calories consistent. Hoping to hold off any high cal days till at least 2 weeks out.

    @sharonl71 you missed the period that follows www :) so close!! Lol

    @lhutch70 welcome! You're in good company:)

    I will not be around here in the forums as much for the next few days but have fun peeps! And have a good weekend! :)
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member

    Happy Friday, folks! Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Curious to know everyone's goals today. I'm breaking up my goal into 5lb increments but I have 15 to lose; going at a rate of about 1-1.25lbs/week
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Curious to know everyone's goals today. I'm breaking up my goal into 5lb increments but I have 15 to lose; going at a rate of about 1-1.25lbs/week

    My overarching goal is maintenance/recomp, although I am eating at a slight deficit now - just a couple of pounds. I'm not sure what my goal weight really is - I know what it USED to be, but I'm currently 5 pounds up and having mixed feelings. Some days I look exactly right. Some days, I'm lumpy around the middle.
  • DharmainHeels
    DharmainHeels Posts: 94 Member
    Just want to share that while I am feeling full and getting enough of what I need, the diary yells at me and won't let me complete my diaries because according to it I am not eating enough. Some days I do, some days I don't. It is not intentional - I am not starving myself - but just in case people see the logs not complete!
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Just want to share that while I am feeling full and getting enough of what I need, the diary yells at me and won't let me complete my diaries because according to it I am not eating enough. Some days I do, some days I don't. It is not intentional - I am not starving myself - but just in case people see the logs not complete!

    I know we're supposed to be Chill here, but.... are you sure? Most all of your days are under 900 calories. Are you sure you're feeling okay? Are you exercising on top of that?

    If you say you feel good, then I won't be your nagging Mommy - just checking in ;-)
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Curious to know everyone's goals today. I'm breaking up my goal into 5lb increments but I have 15 to lose; going at a rate of about 1-1.25lbs/week

    Let's see...

    1st goal - take off the 15 "stress pounds" I gained over the last 6 months now that the stress is gone. 4 lbs left - Yay!
    2nd goal is to get under my dreaded 173 where I usually stall out during weight loss.
    3rd goal is to slowly chew away at the final 18 lbs in (roughly) 5 lb increments.
  • Sharonl71
    Sharonl71 Posts: 4 Member

    I am the least technical person I know, that should be right now lol

    My diary is complete for today no more food shall pass my lips, looking forward to house party tomorrow but know it will result in excessive calorie intake. You only live once so you got to have fun

  • Seconded! I don't really enjoy fast food much and I still love In & Out. Maybe it's for the best I moved away from the west coast. Also, I loled a little at the otter pop entry - my spouse is addicted to those things. For the sake of whoever you live with, I hope you don't leave the wrappers all over the house like someone I know. [/quote]

    Oh well, I admit I did when I was a kid! I have learned that if I leave them somewhere I'll just have to pick it up another time. So I'm better now.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member

    Hello! I love the accountability idea! I'm working on losing some weight by tracking on MFP right now, and I am possibly going to be having bariatric surgery this fall. Feel free to send me a friend request! I'm always chill and would never post anything mean or judgmental about anyone's diary!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Oof, happy Friday chill accountability crew. Since someone mentioned goals, my big goal is getting my nights out under control. I am a happy barfly, but I want to become a moderately healthy barfly, get a handle of the binge eating, and lose some of my wine belly. My current goal is one night out where I don't go over my maintenance number, and one splurge night over maintenance but not enough to bust my weekly goal. The last couple of weeks have been goofy because of a trip out of town last week that sadly ended with a critically injured dog, so we're heading out of town again today since we had to leave him behind in a vet hospital. That meant I agreed to a splurge night out last night that I'm kind of regretting today. I think my monthly goal is okay, but I don't like that I gave in to an excuse, even a good one. There are always excuses, right?
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    TGIF!!! Today was a rest day, decided to sleep in a bit. Tomorrow I will hit the gym.

    Ate well so far today. Not sure what I will be eating tonight. I am going to pick up my friend's chihuahua soon then later tonight I will be visiting some kittens and I may adopt one. EXCITED!!!
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    @Allibaba A chihuahua AND kittens? Dang what a night of cuteness!!
  • lhutch70
    lhutch70 Posts: 7 Member
    Bad weigh in, bad day. All was well until pizza at dinner and then followed up with ice cream. But I stayed honest and accountable and logged it all. There was a time I would have just skipped logging on a bad day. Today I am starting fresh.