Going on holiday to Bali

I leave for a week in Bali on Monday (yay!!!), and although I have lost 17 likos (37 lbs) to this point, I am very apprehensive about the trip.
For starters, I tried on my bathing suit and CRIED!!!! I look better when clothed, I can tell you that. So I have a bunch of clothes that are loose enough to hide me, but still cool-ish to combat the heat.
I am trying to be positive about the whole thing, but that stupid poor self-esteem keeps biting me in the bum.
I have seriously fallen off the wagon these past few months, but am determined to start afresh from today as I will be able to concentrate on myself a bit while we are gone.
Okay, after that long intro, we walk A LOT while there, so the exercise is covered. What can I do about the food? How do I stay "good" when I have no idea about the calories in anything?
I will be taking MFP with me, but all the cals will be pure guesses.


  • missolesky
    missolesky Posts: 40
    My fiance is from Indonesia (and is actually there now on holiday) and I have A LOT of experience with the food there. It is all balanced, fresh, and usually quite healthy unless you go to a restaurant that caters to Americans because they assume americans will like the food if it has sugar and cheese.
    There is a fair amount of msg used in many many things, but you really shouldn't have to be concerned with counting the calories and just focus on correct portioning and you should be fine.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You should find some gorgeous options available - lots of fresh ingredients, and lovely tropical fruit.....I have not been to Bali, but travel to Thailand every year and love the local options available :-)

    As previous poster says - limit the western style places, and go for local - lovely seafood and vegetables, fruit.....
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    If you're going to be walking a lot, you'll be genuinely hungry. You'll also have a real incentive to just eat until you're not hungry, because who wants to walk while feeling stuffed and bloated? I'd say just listen to your body and try not to restrict yourself when it comes to culture and local cuisine and stuff like that. Try everything you want to, but keep in mind that some other interesting new food experience might come up at any moment so there's no sense overindulging in any one thing. Hopefully that should keep you under your calorie goal (plus the walking) without you actually having to spend loads of time guesstimating the counts of every meal.
  • No one in Bali is going to know you :) Wear your bathing suit anyway! Or get a nice wrap to go over it to make yourself feel more comfortable... Have fun, that sounds like an amazing trip
  • missolesky
    missolesky Posts: 40
    PS DO NOT try the durian fruit. Trust me.
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    No one in Bali is going to know you :) Wear your bathing suit anyway! Or get a nice wrap to go over it to make yourself feel more comfortable... Have fun, that sounds like an amazing trip

    That was my mentality when I was on a Caribbean cruise last year. I was nervous up until the time I got on to the ship and then I was like "F- it, I'm going to have fun!" and lounged by the pool and swam and strolled my fat butt around in my bathing suit all day long. Sure there were moments of cringing, but mostly I was just enjoying myself and not worried about anyone else. It was more important to me to have fun, you know?

    So go, have a WONDERFUL time and get all of the joy that you can out of it. That's what you're going for, right?
  • geeky1
    geeky1 Posts: 142
    Thanks so much!!