Thursday Mini Challenge

Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
Today's challenge is: Walking Lunges

Let's see if we can do 150 of them.

I'm doing lower numbers now because I want us to focus on proper form to get full benefit from these challenges. Basically I want to focus on quality not quantity.

You have until midnight to get them done.
You can do them all at once or break them into smaller groups.
If you can't do them all then do what you can. The important thing is that you try to do them.
Make sure you stretch and have fun doing them.
Report back when you are done and let us know how you did.
You can log these challenges as "Calisthenics" I hear.

Mini mini challenge: Let's see how many we can do with our trailing knee touching the ground during our dip.
Theres how you do them....
Just kidding...look at this one for a realistic example


  • WOW... I wish I could do it like the first video... but I'll be stoked if I can do the second video even! Thanks for the challenge!!! :ohwell:
  • Im in :D
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    Never done walking lunges before but will have a go!!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Worth a punt. I'm going to see if I can do a few in my tiny office (thankfully I'm in here on my own).
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    OK, I'm in. Let's get it done.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I'm in!
  • jamesysmom
    jamesysmom Posts: 38
    Ill do my best Im always up for a challenge
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    My ankle is still really swollen and hurting; but i will try my best :o)
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm in!!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    I work nights can I have until my midnight? :D
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    My ankle is still really swollen and hurting; but i will try my best :o)

    I did 30 total before my ankle screamed no more. :sad:
  • chicco57
    chicco57 Posts: 298
    Well did them..not perfect ..but did them in sets of ten...I know my legs will be aching tomorrow.. thanks charger for

    Im away for a few days will be back online Sunday... see you all then! Have a good weekend
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Man last time I did these my legs were shot for a little over a week! But I'm still going to do them! hee hee :)
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    I work nights can I have until my midnight? :D

    Yes. "midnight" is the end of your day :)
  • riamac
    riamac Posts: 52 Member
    OK, I'm in. Let's get it done.

    Finished my lunges. Took all day, but I got'em done ;-)
  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    I just did all 150 at once. I may have to go sit in the hot tub. I hurt! But it's a good pain.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    75 before work - worked 12 hours - 75 after work
  • santacruzjc
    santacruzjc Posts: 5 Member
    I wish I could but tore my hip flexor from doing ball lunges yesterday.
  • mazziemom
    mazziemom Posts: 21
    Done. My legs are tired.
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Done....legs are like jello...especially after helping my parents move...tonight we worked solely on the upstairs rooms...gonna go take a COLD shower and melt into bed....