Not losing pounds...

landrum46 Posts: 21 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I am exercising regularly during the week and am seeing some inches lost, but not as many pounds as I thought I would. I'm not an exercise junky but at age 65 I am doing more than I was previously. My husband says I'm gaining muscle and muscle weighs more that fat, consequently not seeing much on the scale. It sort of messes with the motivation....Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing and if so did you start seeing definite weight loss down the road?


  • This happens to me all the time...if your exercising you could be replacing fat with muscle so pound wise you would stay the same but inch wise you would be getting dont feel bad if your weight isnt changing because i was the same way i would get discouraged until someone asked if i was losing weight because they could tell i was getting just hang in there and keep at it...
  • Just don't quit and you will succeed, PRAY for God to be all up in your diet, your food selections, your emotions, and your heart - and if you do this .....YOU CAN NOT FAIL ! To Him be the glory !
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Well done for deciding to get healthier, if you keep eating well and exercising you WILL see results, sometimes they aren't apparent until you've been at it for a while.
    Exercise is definitely good for weight loss but diet plays the larger part. Make sure you aren't eating too little or too much and keep on with your exercise - you'll get there.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I am exercising regularly during the week and am seeing some inches lost, but not as many pounds as I thought I would. I'm not an exercise junky but at age 65 I am doing more than I was previously. My husband says I'm gaining muscle and muscle weighs more that fat, consequently not seeing much on the scale. It sort of messes with the motivation....Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing and if so did you start seeing definite weight loss down the road?

    First and foremost. . . you are going to do great. . . . Secondly. . . muscle does not weigh more than fat. . that is a myth. . . 1lb is 1lb. . muscle is just denser and takes up far less room. . . . With that said increasing muscle will enable you to burn more calories. . .

    If you are not seeing the progress you want. . . I would recommend number one. . make sure that you are consuming 1/2 your current body weight in ounces of water. . .

    Make sure that you keep your sodium level down.

    Take your measurements. . because sometimes we see it in the measuring tape before it ever reaches the scale. . I know this from experience. . after the birth of my daughter I lost 3 sizes in my clothes and still weighed the same due to walking and going to the gym. . .

    Just a few thoughts. . .Good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • alischaid
    alischaid Posts: 46 Member
    Me too! It's kind of discouraging, but then I think to myself, I didn't get flabby overnight. It took time - lots of time to get this way. It will take a while to come off as well. Just keep going. YOU can do it :)
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Your husband is exactly right. You will gain some muscle which, in turn, will help you burn more calories. I know that the number on the scale is the ultimate goal for many people. However, if you are losing inches, then you are on the right path. Using this site to track your calories will definitely help you start seeing those numbers on the scale decrease. I lost a pant size before seeing any real weight loss. Now I'm down two pant sizes and around 15 lbs. Don't give up!!!
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Yeah, same here; but not discourgaged because I can see the difference. Hang in there, it will come. Try to stay off the scale for a while.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    You are doing great. Don't give up.

    I can understand the frustration of losing inches, but not pounds, when you're putting your all into things. That has happened to me quite a bit. After initial disappointment, It has taught me so much...

    It's taught me that inches lost mean *so* much more than a number on a scale! It is a difficult mindset to adopt, seeing as almost all of us are accustomed to gauging our "success" by that number on a scale. But a number on a scale can only tell you so much.

    Numbers on a scale don’t tell you how nifty you look in those jeans that used to be too tight on you. They don’t tell you how reinvigorated and energetic you’re starting to feel. They don't tell you how your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and other lab results are now in the normal range, or heading in that direction. They don’t tell you that you've replaced a crap-load of fat with muscle and are worlds healthier because of it. They don’t tell you: “Congratulations for that wonderful work-out that you just accomplished!” Numbers on a scale just don’t seem to cut it …and they’re not very complimentary. They can warp your perception of yourself and your accomplishments and bring you down to China town. They can make you feel bad about yourself for totally stupid reasons, and discourage you from trying harder.

    Why let a stupid number on a scale slap us in the face or get us down? If you're living healthy - eating right and exercising, the weight will come off when it wants to. But in the meantime, enjoy losing those inches, and fitting your clothes better (and shrinking inside them), and that "feel good" energy that a workout gives you. For me, all of that feels so much better than any number on a scale!

    Just my 2 cents. :-)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    By the way, most people understand the concept "muscle weighs more than fat" means that it weighs more BY VOLUME. Which it does. A square foot of muscle weighs more than a square foot of fat. We don't need to be told that statement is "untrue."

    Personally, I think inches are a lot more important that the number on the scale. Instead of trying to "lose weight" make your goal into fitting into a certain article of clothing you love that no longer fits. (Not anything TOO far out of your reach yet, though, maybe a size or two too small.) Trying on that article of clothing every once in awhile should be great motivation as it gets closer and closer to fitting comfortably.
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