Whole 30

Is anyone doing Whole 30? I'm in Day 7 and so far loving it. I do miss a cocktail or a glass of wine. LOL. The program hasn't been difficult though. Let me know how you're doing on your journey.


  • gidjinswife
    gidjinswife Posts: 36 Member
    I've done a couple before and am permanently AIP paleo with some successful reintroductions. Good luck, Whole30 changed how I saw food and how i can better care for my body with it.
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    On day 21. It's not really as restrictive as I thought, given that added sugar is really the only thing that I have to watch for outside my typical diet.
  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    I read that and was like, "so, what can I eat?" And I'm saying that as a vegan.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    JaxxieKat wrote: »
    I read that and was like, "so, what can I eat?" And I'm saying that as a vegan.

    Whole30 is specifically not recommended for vegans. There are some modifications for vegetarians, but it just makes a difficult program even more restrictive.
  • Dori1812
    Dori1812 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting AIP elimination phase and I'm having some difficulties for proteins. Need advices
  • MicheleB105
    MicheleB105 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm having a lot of stomach & small intestine issues. So I did the Whole 30 low FODMAP and have found several foods that I Can't eat. It is an easy plan to stick with especially if you're able & willing to make your own meals and not depending on pre-made & boxed foods. I did one protein at a time and quickly realized I can't do any beef/cow foods.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hmm. I learned a lot from trying it, but my best guess is it did a whack job on me and my hormones. I'm a menopausal woman and had not had any hot flashes for over a year before I tried whole30. I had maybe one or two pimples a year. About a week or ten days into whole30 the hot flashes came back with vengeance and shifted into overdrive. Honestly two months later and I still cant sleep through the night without one or more waking me up. And acne! I had a terrible bout of acne that took about a whole month to clear up. Like I had not seen since I was in my teenage years. It looked so bad on my middle aged face! I'm still having pimples pop up every two weeks or so even now - although that does seem to be lessening over time.

    I saw a number of threads in various boards ( including the whole30 official ones) about other middle aged / menopausal women having similar experiences. Again, correlation does not necessarily mean causation but I suspect eating whole30 compliant seriously messed up my delicate menopausal hormonal balance.

    I learned a lot, and doing a whole30 led to my eliminating wheat from my diet and strictly restricting dairy and added sugar. Good things for me for sure. But over two months since I finished and all evidence points to me not yet recovering 100% of the hormonal balance I had beforehand. I also never experienced any of the "highs" they described like extra energy or that "tiger blood". So, personally I'd say unless you are a middle age woman, try it with an open mind but don't buy into the hype.
  • Jessms26
    Jessms26 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on day 16. It's been a struggle but I've mostly been okay. The sugar cravings have been the worst! Over the past week I have been around cake almost every day.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm planning on starting it after an event on 4 August. I have no control over the food at the event, so it makes sense to plan and kick it off after having a chance to plan and read up. I'm on board with the program itself, though I find some of the rules completely batpoop arbitrary, and the explanations of the 'science' behind it are complete woo in some cases.

    I've seen the moderators on the forum - who hold themselves out as complete authorities on the subject - tell people that they haven't lost weight on the program because their hormones are messed up and if they stick with it they will, and that calories have no impact because you will lose weight on the program no matter how many calories you eat. This seems utterly at odds with a) the statement that you're not supposed to do it to lose weight and b) many people who they say will benefit from the program will not need to lose weight.

    I'm doing it because I've suffered various intolerances throughout my life, some with some weird effects and some which seem to come and go arbitrarily. Having autoimmune issues, I think it would be helpful to see if there are things that are contributing to my over-all crappy feeling, and whether I can improve that.

    @Hypsibius those meals looks amazing!
  • Jessms26
    Jessms26 Posts: 32 Member
    I am part of a small whole 30 group of anyone would like to join a group!
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    I'm doing it because I've suffered various intolerances throughout my life, some with some weird effects and some which seem to come and go arbitrarily. Having autoimmune issues, I think it would be helpful to see if there are things that are contributing to my over-all crappy feeling, and whether I can improve that.

    That was the best part of doing W30 for me. Yes I lost a little bit of weight... but I did it mainly to feel better and uncover food sensitivities. All my aches and pains that I thought were just from "getting older" went away completely... and I discovered that I am actually *not* sensitive to eggs. I've thought for most of my life that eggs were out for me, because most times I ate them I got sick to my stomach and had to run for the bathroom. Turns out the problem was the butter they were fried in, or the mayo they were mixed in. When I cook them with ghee or use Paleo mayo in a sandwich, I have zero problem with them. I was floored.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2017
    JaxxieKat wrote: »
    I read that and was like, "so, what can I eat?" And I'm saying that as a vegan.

    It would be impossible for me if I were a vegan (I think it would be easy for me now, but I know I don't have any sensitivities/bad reactions to legumes and dairy and think they are healthy for me, and also think potatoes and whole grains can be positive additions to a diet, so find a diet revolving around saying they should be eliminated to be problematic).

    I think the focus on cooking from whole foods is good, but I do that anyway (why it would be easy for me -- the meals pictured above are basically similar to how I normally eat and I find it weird that people would see that as W30 specific). I basically avoid added sugars now, just because I've been doing lower carb and they don't fit with all the amazing in season produce I must consume! ;-)
  • leslie_shoemaker
    leslie_shoemaker Posts: 22 Member
    Jessms26 wrote: »
    I am part of a small whole 30 group of anyone would like to join a group!

    I'd like to join. Today is Day 1!
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    I have done 2 whole 30's ( and a few smaller resets) and have had great results, but for me, i think it's because i was eating less calories, not necessarily bc of the actual food choices made. My issue, which is actually great, is that i don't have any major sensitivities. So post whole 30, i found i was in more of a yo yo, where i would do whole 30 to lose weight i had gained back. Now, i am back on the moderation, so i can have whatever i want, as long as i stay in my calories and try to hit macros.

  • Pamici9
    Pamici9 Posts: 19 Member
    Jessms26 wrote: »
    I am part of a small whole 30 group of anyone would like to join a group!

    I'd like to join. Today is Day 1!

    Hi - today is Day 1 for me, too! I'm also tracking calories on doctor's orders (scary heart symptoms), but it was easy to stay in range today. I'm a bit hungry, but it's late in the day so I don't think I'll eat any more tonight.
  • Jessms26
    Jessms26 Posts: 32 Member
    Search in groups for whole 30 maybe you will find us! I'm one week post whole30 I lost 15 pounds and another three by this past weekend. I didn't do reintroduction since I don't have gastrointestinal issues but I now think bread and pasta cause me some issues, or it may just be the lack of veggies.
  • JensJourney11
    JensJourney11 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm starting Whole30 in mid-September. I'm a bit nervous but excited to try!