Does [Frame} size matter?



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited July 2017
    I think it matters. Also, how you carry your fat. All of mine goes straight to my midsection. According to BMI charts, I could gain 25 pounds and still be in the healthy range, but I've been there and it was clearly too much for my body. I was visibly overweight.

    Same here.
    My BMI is 20. My husband is 2 cm taller and weighs 66 lbs more. He does have some weight to lose but maybe 10-20 lbs; his bone structure and muscle mass are significantly greater than mine so while I'm fine at the lower end of the normal BMI range, he'd have to lose muscle mass to get down into it.

    I've always assumed I had a small frame because my wrists and ankles are tiny. My trouble spot is my stomach; arms and legs are long and skinny. I do have proportionately wide hips though, fwiw.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I have a large frame and the only time I've had a BMI as low as 24 was after 6 weeks of undereating and overexercising during boot camp. (When I first arrived there, I had to get boots and hats from the men's side of the uniforms room because there weren't any big enough in women's. At 5'6", I'm not especially tall. I've always had a hard time buying bracelets. I wear men's shoes as often as I can get away with it.)

    My goal is to get back into my skinny jeans from when I was a full time yoga teacher, which will have me at a Low Overweight BMI, and I'm ok with that.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    darn I'm too lazy to get up and measure my wrist and elbow breadth
  • pennygm72
    pennygm72 Posts: 179 Member
    When I use the body frame calculators I come up with small frame due to skinny wrists, I also have tiny hands and very slim feet and ankles though feet are average size for a woman my height. But I have an athletic build, shoulders, waist and hips are all of a muchness, thank goodness for the boobs or I'd be curve-less! My chest measures 33 inches currently and I may get down to 32 ( under boob ) when I lose the last 7lbs to a BMI of 22.5, so not particularly tiny. Not there yet but not sure I'd want to go lower as my face is already very slim now, at 45 I don't want to age myself prematurely!
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    wanna see a neat site, go to put in your height, weight, age range and body shape and it will show you pics of people with the same stats, you'll be amazed at how different everyone looks even with the same stats.

    With this site though I do wonder if people are being honest about their weight and measurements.

    If I remember rightly the same photo often comes up for several different heights/weights so I'm not sure how accurate their filtering is...
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Yes I think it matters. I'm between 5'7" and 5'8" with a larger frame. My doctor gave me a healthy weight range of 145-165lbs which puts me at the highest end of BMI, or even slightly above by a few lbs at the heaviest end. I wouldn't be healthy at 125-130lb but someone else my height might be.

  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 5'4" but I have a large frame. Even at my tiniest, I'm broad across the shoulders and hips. My doctor said that I was best around the upper end of the healthy weight range for my height, which is why my goal is at 145lb right now. For some people my height, that would be too heavy.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited July 2017
    Of course it matters, that's one of the reasons why there's a range for BMI.

    I'm 5'1" and though I have tiny wrists, hands, and feet, my shoulders, elbow breadth, and knee joints are all enormous. I'm going to say that I'm medium framed.

    I'm shooting for 110. I got down close to 115 and I looked very thin up top, but that didn't bother me. I still have large breasts, but MAN... those knobby elbows!!!!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It does matter because that refers to the thickness of your bones. Skeletons are heavy. Then there's how much muscle your body normally carries. Some people are very strong but their muscles are small; some are genetically thicker muscled. That's heavy too. So you have to take that into account when determining how much a healthy body fat percentage will make you weigh.