Let's be honest

hey every one I want your honest thoughts about this. Am I the only one who doesn't measure their food. I mean really I'm not measuring out how much katchup I am putting ony eggs but it's not a table spoon. Just like salad dressing how do they expect salad to taist good with just 2 tablespoons of salad dressing. Honest opinions please.


  • narspips
    narspips Posts: 48 Member
    I used to make dressings with vinegar and oil for salads but I've got used to just using a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Has a sweet taste and I find it's enough for 2 portions of salad without adding too many calories.
  • MFPSK1977
    MFPSK1977 Posts: 31 Member
    When it comes to really high calorie items, it is probably best to weigh it out. Mainly it is a foolproof way of knowing the calories aren't the problem. A lot of people have complained about not losing weight, and they were cheating themselves by underestimating on their diary. (Has anyone ever seen a 6 inch banana? :) ) The way to losing fat is taking in less calories than you burn.
    Not everyone needs them, but some swear by it. I like having mine around.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I started out by writing down everything I ate and restricting the number of servings but I did not measure or weigh. That worked for 30 lbs or so and then I had to tighten up my method and measure and weigh. Either method is fine and moving from one to another when needed is fine too.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I don't measure absolutely everything perfectly, no. Other things I do make up the difference.

    I have to say, about the salad dressing: it tends to be high in calories. That's one of those things you really need to pay close attention to. Non-starchy veggies are small potatoes (so to speak), but the dressing is where you can run into trouble. That's part of the reason some salads wind up with the calories of a big mac. And if you feel the need you drench your salad, you might want to try different ways of mixing the salad to spread it out better, like shaking.

    Of course, it's up to you what to do, and you don't seem to be asking for advice, but if you aren't getting the results you expect, the lettuce probably isn't the culprit.
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    RedSierra wrote: »
    I lost 40 pounds using MFP last year. I'm a 5'4" woman over 50 and went from 177 to 137. I want to stay here and have maintained since last November. I am extremely happy with my results and so is my doctor.

    I used a measuring cup twice and that's it. No cups, no scales, no spoons. I do read labels, use the USDA entries as much as I can, and best-guess the rest. I love my food choices and am never hungry.

    I understand the reasoning behind using a digital scale and ordered one from Amazon after reading all the positive comments on here, but the scale is still sitting in the box, unopened.

    Is my method for everybody? Of course not.

    I want to add something to my comment above where I said I don'r measure but do read labels.

    I eat a lot of salads (usually one a day, sometimes two) that often have spinach, shredded carrots, black olives, and many other things. I also eat prepared potato salads, but only once in a rare while. I really like fresh raw vegetables.

    Once in a while I will use salad dressing like a low calorie one, balsamic vinegar, or olive oil and vinegar. I read the label first and best-guess a tablespoon or two and shake the salad.

    However, most of the time I don't use salad dressing. I season my salads with salt and pepper or garlic salt/powder or some other spice and skip the high-calorie salad dressing. This is my preference, not just a weight loss tactic.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    I measure high calorie foods, especially ones I'm likely to over eat - if I'm having cake or muffins you can be damned sure I'm weighing them. I guess a lot of food, I eat in the work canteen and it's pretty plated so bothersome to weigh individual parts of the meal, but if I can weigh it I do. I log everything though, even ketchup - I probably tend to over estimate on quantities based on past experience/weighing

    This level of lazy tracking works perfectly for now, if I stop losing as I want to the first thing I'll change is tightening up my weighing/measuring for a more accurate calorie count.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    I don't concern myself too much with condiments except mayo and dressings. I don't count salt either. Everything else, I measure.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    RedSierra wrote: »
    I lost 40 pounds using MFP last year. I'm a 5'4" woman over 50 and went from 177 to 137. I want to stay here and have maintained since last November. I am extremely happy with my results and so is my doctor.

    I used a measuring cup twice and that's it. No cups, no scales, no spoons. I do read labels, use the USDA entries as much as I can, and best-guess the rest. I love my food choices and am never hungry.

    I understand the reasoning behind using a digital scale and ordered one from Amazon after reading all the positive comments on here, but the scale is still sitting in the box, unopened.

    Is my method for everybody? Of course not.

    I do this method. However, occasionally I do use measuring cups for things. I make the best guesses on amounts I'm eating and it's never really been a problem. Some people definitely do benefit from a food scale though. It really does help keep portions in check. I just think that maybe I'm pretty good at eyeballing portion sizes or overestimate what I eat. Who knows but it works for me.

    That being said, if I do ever use salad dressing it's usually a tiny bit. I'm not a fan of a lot of dressing. Most of my salads don't need it and I do eat a lot of salads! Mostly homemade shredded Buffalo chicken salads or turkey taco salads. Neither need dressing.

  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    RedSierra wrote: »
    RedSierra wrote: »
    I lost 40 pounds using MFP last year. I'm a 5'4" woman over 50 and went from 177 to 137. I want to stay here and have maintained since last November. I am extremely happy with my results and so is my doctor.

    I used a measuring cup twice and that's it. No cups, no scales, no spoons. I do read labels, use the USDA entries as much as I can, and best-guess the rest. I love my food choices and am never hungry.

    I understand the reasoning behind using a digital scale and ordered one from Amazon after reading all the positive comments on here, but the scale is still sitting in the box, unopened.

    Is my method for everybody? Of course not.

    I want to add something to my comment above where I said I don'r measure but do read labels.

    I eat a lot of salads (usually one a day, sometimes two) that often have spinach, shredded carrots, black olives, and many other things. I also eat prepared potato salads, but only once in a rare while. I really like fresh raw vegetables.

    Once in a while I will use salad dressing like a low calorie one, balsamic vinegar, or olive oil and vinegar. I read the label first and best-guess a tablespoon or two and shake the salad.

    However, most of the time I don't use salad dressing. I season my salads with salt and pepper or garlic salt/powder or some other spice and skip the high-calorie salad dressing. This is my preference, not just a weight loss tactic.

    Last time I got heavier than I was comfortable with about 6 years ago, I lost weight logging on MFP without weighing my food. I did use measuring cups or ramekins to guesstimate amounts. I'm back on MFP having regained 30 pounds, and I started off with just measuring cups, but I recently purchased a scale. It's let me know that in most cases, I was overestimating the calories of the food I was eating which was helping me eat at a deficit. However, I am enjoying using the scale because this time around I am really focused on hitting my fiber, protein, and calcium goals, and weighing my food helps with accuracy not just of calories but of nutrients.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I didn't weigh my food either. Until I stopped losing weight. Then I started weighing and realized I was eating at least 400 cal/day more than I was logging. A fair chunk of that was in condiments. Idk. Maybe you guess better than I do, but eyeballing is horribly innacruate for me.