SlimmingWorld buddies

Looking for SlimmingWorld buddies feel free to add me. I joined slimming world 7 weeks ago and Ive lost 15 pounds so far I find that knowing I'm getting weighed each week helps me stay on track x


  • monkeyfinch
    monkeyfinch Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Well done on the loss! I've just re-started following S/W myself (after many years break). Not joined a group as I'm not really a group person (they're so long) but I get weighed each week as part of a club at work. So far lost 3lbs (only started last Tuesday) but hoping that once I get back into the S/W mindset I'll manage to shift a good few more than that. Keep up the good work! xx
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Hey I joined a group this Tues and in my first week