Question on the MyFitnessPal App

LH2007 Posts: 15 Member
So when I went to bed last night I was in the green by 300 calories... But when I woke up this morning it said I was in the red 428 calories. Why would it change?


  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    Do you have a fitbit or similar synced to your account?
  • LH2007
    LH2007 Posts: 15 Member
    I do - I have the polar A370.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    What is your activity level set to here on MFP?

  • LH2007
    LH2007 Posts: 15 Member
    My activity level is set to the lowest level as I have my monitor on all day checking in with the app. I am wondering if it's the device that is having issues. It's very weird. I worked out yesterday (small but I did it) and that alone was 150 calories. Then with my day to day it was 700 calories - when I went to bed I was up 200+ calories and then this morning it was this...4dsfa7nvtcuh.jpg
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    So, I think what happens is that the Fitbit/Tracker calorie adjustment is a moving target throughout the day, and calculates continuously throughout the day. If you're very active in the morning, but not so much in the afternoon/evening, it will 'smooth out' during the day. In saying that though to go from 200 up to 400+ down in a few hours while you sleep seems a bit excessive.

    I log my exercise separately (using my bluetooth HRM chest strap, connected to my phone - I dont think that the Fitbit HR is accurate enough particularly while exercising), and if I do plan to eat back calories, i try to keep it less than half of my exercise calories. I generally don't consider the Fitbit adjustment calories to be 'edible', but will probably reconsider this when it comes to maintenance time, and take some time to figure out how much works for me.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    Because your goal is to eat 1200 calories. Btw that is very small could be a big challenge.
    You ate 544 calories more than your goal and only burnt off 66 of them. Therefore you ate 478 more than you ate and burned.
  • sophie9492015
    sophie9492015 Posts: 204 Member
    .... i may be confused here sorry.
  • LH2007
    LH2007 Posts: 15 Member
    Hmmm I am wondering if I should turn off negative adjustments.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Your tracker assumes you'll be as active as you are until midnight and gives you calories for it. But then you went to bed and stopped being active and so it says whoops and starts taking away those calories to adjust for the inactivity. If you go to bed or stop being active very early there will be more calories to remove. Just eat less of the calorie adjustment if you know you're going to be inactive in the evenings.