
I have lost 17 lbs so far, and not one person (besides my husband) has said anything to me about it. I mean, if we are talking about it and I say that I have lost 17 lbs, they say, "I can look good!" But, I am dying for someone to notice withOUT mentioning it first.

Also, how many lbs do I need to lose to go down a size in clothes? Yes, my clothes fit better, but I am still in a size 10/12. I am so badly wanting to be in a single digit size. I know numbers don't mean much, but let's be real...we all want to change size.

I'm about to throw in the towel if it's not going to change anything...


  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    I think you look great! And I am glad to hear you are NOT giving up on your goal!

    PS. post pics
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    No need to give up just because of that. You're doing good, just keep it up. Be patient. Took me awhile before I could finally fit into smaller pant sizes.
  • SACox65
    SACox65 Posts: 6
    I am right there with you sister! I've lost 16 pounds and I've gotten one comment - "Your face is looking thinner" - MY FACE??? That wasn't the part of me that I was so hell bent on changing. I am in a size 10/12 as well and weigh a little under 170. I am not sure how much more I will need to lose before I can purchase a pair of 8's BUT I do know that I feel better in my 10/12's and I have more energy than ever before. I think that we need to focus on making ourselves healthier and happier and that the smaller clothing size will come along eventually. The worse thing you can do is give up. If you give up, you are going to gain back what you've lost PLUS some. I've sent you a friend request - let's fight the 10/12's together :flowerforyou:
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    Keep up the great work!
    I know it really helps to hear it from others but you need to be proud of yourself first of all! You are doing all the hard work and making great choices. Stay positive:) You're doing so well!!!
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I could have written this post myself! Same here, only my husband and one friend who I am losing weight with. And for me to go down a size, I have to lose 20-25 pounds.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    It will happen:-) Keep up the hard work!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I think the only person that really matters is you. If YOU are noticing that you've lost weight, that you have more energy and that your clothes are fitting better, isn't that is really what's most important? As you're finding, people notice but they don't say anything. Why? They might not want to embarrass you. I've seen enough posts about people feeling like they've received a backhand compliment when someone mentions they've lost weight to understand why someone might be hesitant about saying something. Plus, most of them probably see you every day so the changes have been very gradual. Honestly, I'm betting it's going to take someone who hasn't seen you in awhile to probably say something first.
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    People are always so self-centered that they don't notice other people's weight loss unless it's like a solid 50 pounds & stuff. Don't let it get you down, if you FEEL healthier, then that's all that matters. The clothes situation will change eventually, too. Sometimes your body takes it from other places - like arms & legs - instead of waist & hips where clothes would normally change drastically. But don't worry, your body will catch up with you soon :)
  • jazzyminx
    jazzyminx Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost 17 lbs too and I'm experiencing the same thing. I feel so completely different and I know I carry myself differently and yet, no one notices. At least *I* know. Ha. Keep up the great work. I know what a feat 17lbs is to achieve. Be proud!
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I know it can be annoying and frustrating, but know that the change you are making is for YOU. You know that you look great and are living a healthier lifestyle. The looking good and smaller size pants and compliments are all good, but ultimately, you are making a lifestyle change to live a healthier and brighter life. That's the way I see it. Sure, I want to lose my tummy fat and I want to be able to wear a bikini confidently, but ultimately, I just feel so much better about myself knowing that I'm living a healthy lifestyle, giving my body what it needs. It's given me so much, and I just want to take care of it. Everything else is just added bonuses!
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    Sometimes people just don't notice things until it is so ridiculously drastic that its like a smack in the face and other times people just don't like to talk about someone's weight to avoid seeming like they thought of you as fat before. I dunno but just do it for YOU or it won't feel as rewarding. Keep at it and don't you dare give up. You might still be in that 10/12 but I bet that they fit better than before. Stay focused and it will happen in time :flowerforyou:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Be proud that you lost 17 pounds.. thats a huge deal! I find that if your super tall like I am, people don't notice it as much unless you tell them. Since I'm more then willing to toot my own weight loss horn, I'm telling anyone that will listen most of the time.

    As far as how much weight to lose before being a smaller size, it took me almost 20 pounds before I started seeing any difference in sizing. I started at a 10 and can now comfortably fit into 6/8 and I've lost 23 pounds total so far.
  • midwesthiker
    midwesthiker Posts: 144
    My husband was the only one who said anything for the longest time. I didn't hear anything from anyone else until I lost 30 pounds and 2 pants sizes. And then not until I started wearing smaller clothes. Then everyone seemed to notice. Give it time, people will notice!
  • alslau02
    alslau02 Posts: 64
    I was 10/12 and no one noticed until 20 pounds were gone and I bought new size 8 pants. Old clothes hide all your effort.
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am not going to give up, but it's just so frustrating! Maybe in the next 5-10 lbs things will start changing!
  • amart17
    amart17 Posts: 21
    I'd like to re-iterate that it's incredibly difficult to notice gradual change in a person you see everyday. It might be a little ironic, but it might take someone less prominent in your life, who hasn't seen you for a while to notice rather than your family and/or friends that see you daily.
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am not going to give up, but it's just so frustrating! Maybe in the next 5-10 lbs things will start changing!

    Great to hear, but in the end you should be doing this for yourself and that in itself will be the greatest reward and recognition. Keep moving forward!
  • jwadsworth4
    HI, I'm new on here - so hope you do not mind my 2 cents worth of input. You are doing a FANTASTIC job and DO NOT let it get you down !!! It isn't worth it!!!! It is YOU that matters most - NOT everyone's comment or praise, although receiving such comments/praises make you feel awesome for achieving such a milestone. Keep up the awesome work you have accomplished thus far and do not forget to reward yourself for a job well done! It makes the next size worth the effort :) I'm down 62 pounds since December and have hit a plateau :( and I refuse to let this stop from reaching my goal of losing another 35 :)

    Keep Rock It!!!
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I feel exactly the same. I can tell a small difference but only ONE friend and my husband have said anything positive about me losing weight. No one else says anything.. it makes it harder when I know the weight is coming off and no on else can see it.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    It all depends on your body and your weight, but it took me losing about 40 pounds before anyone spontaniously said anything without previously knowing I was trying to lose weight. Don't get frustrated. You are doing this for yourself and as nice as it is for people to notice its icing. Keep up the changes you are making.