Losing weight or scale wrong?

Okay so I started a thread awhile ago about having to lose a good bit of weight quickly. I've stuck to a calorie defict diet and work out 1-2 times per week.

I started off my weight with the diet at 258 and the scale now says 245 about 2 weeks later.

Cutting out pop and sweets out almost entirely. Some days I slip up. But is the scale wrong am I just losing weight? Family says they've noticed that I've lost some just worried that the scale is wrong.

(BTW MyFitness recommends 1670 calories per day, I either reach that or stay at about 1100-1300)


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    It's common to lose a lot of water weight when you begin dieting. However, you should be aiming for the goal MFP gives you...1500 at the very minimum.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    1100-1300 is super low.
    So very possible
    You are starving yourself for the most part.
    If you keep it up, you'll probably pass out during the hotter summer months, or you'll just probably give up
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    kevrcook wrote: »
    I don't want to seem harsh but how the hell did you get to be that heavy on the first place. Yes you do need to cut out pop and sweets, do you not know the damage they do? And you need to focus on the targets you have set yourself. Ignore them and who are you kidding. Focus and execute .

    Every person who comes to this forum is either losing weight, maintaining a weight loss, or looking to start weight loss. Everyone here has been overweight (many by 100s more than the OP) so why are you singling out this one poster?

    To the OP, congrats! As other posters have said, you can sometimes lose a lot of water weight when you first start, so there's no reason to start doubting your scale. Though, to have more confidence in the future, you may want to start weighing yourself and recording it more frequently. I use an app called Libra to record my weight every day. It shows me the general trend in my weight, so I don't stress about days where my weight is weird because I can just track the trend instead of worrying about day to day flucthations.
  • garrettstoddard9285
    garrettstoddard9285 Posts: 1 Member
    I noticed a big weight change my first week (about 7 lbs) which I've learned is to be expected if you're eating healthy and making big changes. Cutting out soda made a huge difference! That's great that your family notices a change too! I've found that my family and friends notice the changes more than I do so they can be a huge help in motivation. Keep it up!
  • preston4792
    preston4792 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone, just though this amount of weight wasn't possible. The scale I weighed myself on level wood floor and it seemed to be the same every time.

    As for Kevr how did I get this overweight? Well me being 5'9 and used to be 268lbs I sat in my room for hours playing games on the computer, I ate and drank whatever was present and I done it like in a binge of a way. I just got bored and ate or drank something.

    Last year I wanted to enlist but I was overweight and wasn't motivated to start losing it. Now almost a year later I sold everything electronic in my room aside from my cell phone and started my diet. First I started off with the 3 day military diet and lost some and just decided to take in less than recommended amount of calories. I stay hydrated for those worried about me passing out or what not. I just try to not eat much.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Believe the scale. That's pretty rapid weight loss, though, and I'd recommend upping your calorie intake to at least 1500 per day (the minimum for men), as suggested by another poster. You will probably still lose 2 pounds a week, which is excellent progress and mostly likely sustainable.

    You sound very motivated. Keep up the good work!
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    I lost 7lbs in my first week, 4lbs in my second and now a steady 1 to 3 lbs a week.. its normal to see a big lose at the start