All Cardio?? hunh

Camilla00 Posts: 16
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
My doctor recently suggested that instead of doing any weight training that I do all cardio:huh: . Even though he suggested that i only do this for a month, i was still a bit skeptical.

I always thought that building muscle/ weight training was essential to a well rounded workout. My doctor says that I already have a solid build and should skip the weights for a while. Is anyone familiar with this all cardio method??


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Not exacty sure of his thinking, but maybe a small break from weights isn't a bad thing. Depends on how much you're lifting, I suppose. Did you ask him why he suggested this and what his goal was for you? Maybe you don't have the same goals? Weights will build the muscle, which you already know, but cardio does burn more fat. I guess I'm not making sense, but I would like to know what his reasoning was behind this recommendation. Good luck!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Cardio does burn more calories, but if you strength train, you will build muscle and therefore burn more calories throughout the day. You may notice your weight loss slows down a bit when you lift-especially if you lift heavy...but in the long run you will be more fit. That's just my 2 cents though!
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Heyyyy I have a good muscle tone as well and my doctor suggested a similar thing. The first month I did all cardio, the next two weeks I did all cardio but my cardio changed to incorporate interval training, and just now I'm starting to add weights....I don't know what the point of it is, but it did work for me....
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    When I first started, I did cardio only. It did help me lose weight, but I think it would have been more successful with more weight lifting. If it's not hurting you any, then I don't see why he'd want you to stop doing lifting...
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah that is what I did , sort of, I dont do weight I do minimum strenth training like pushups maybe and squats n stuff, but mostly cardio becauae with cardio you lose weight faster I guess so I am doing that until I get within 5lbs of my goal then I will start to add weights to try to get more toned and ad more muscle. i guess he is telling you right now just focus on cardio to lose the weight because if u keep doing weights ur gonna be adding muscle and weight that way...idk just a thought
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    It's a priority thing I guess, plus a month isn't enough time to cause any adverse effects from not working out. Even pro bodybuilders take time off every now and then.

    Personally I'm not one to argue with a doctor :P
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I think its a choice really do you want to lose weight or build muscle for the next 4 weeks. Without the strength training you will lose weight which will include some muscle mass - I think its around 75% fat to 25% muscle. With the strength training you will gain muscle which does burn more calories in the long term and is better for overall well being. If you're eating right for the strength training and being consistent with the training you will probably see some weight gain but that should even itself out in a few weeks. Perhaps your Dr. just wants to 'jump start ' your' weight losss. After 4 weeks you shouldn't loss too much muscle mass. I'm no expert though but its just my experience.
  • Camilla00
    Camilla00 Posts: 16
    Not exacty sure of his thinking, but maybe a small break from weights isn't a bad thing. Depends on how much you're lifting, I suppose. Did you ask him why he suggested this and what his goal was for you? Maybe you don't have the same goals? Weights will build the muscle, which you already know, but cardio does burn more fat. I guess I'm not making sense, but I would like to know what his reasoning was behind this recommendation. Good luck!

    He stated that i already had a pretty solid build and that instead of building muscle i needed to loose weight. He said to accomplish this by doing more cardio in order to burn more calories.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Here is something I found on

    To squash stress...

    Cardio's edge The head-clearing effects of, say, swimming or playing tennis show up faster than it takes to get a brow wax. Just 15 minutes of aerobic activity two to three times a week can reduce anxiety significantly, according to a 2005 study in the European Journal of Sports Science. Go at it 3 to 5 days a week and you can cut fatigue by nearly 50 percent. "Cardio elevates serotonin levels in the brain, a key neurotransmitter involved in improving symptoms of depression," says Madhukar Trivedi, M.D., director of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Mood Disorders Research Program and Clinic.

    Strength's edge A big question mark. Scientists note promising results on the mood-altering effects of pumping iron. But more research is needed to nail the intensity and duration necessary to match cardio's benefits. So, for now

    Winner: Cardio

    According to this article, strength training wins in all catagories but this one.
  • LeeLynnP
    LeeLynnP Posts: 116 Member
    When I went to a weight loss doctor, he told me that... It was a waste of my time and money... I am doing it now on my own... when I put tthe effort into it i do better than I ever did going to him.
  • Camilla00
    Camilla00 Posts: 16
    Yeah that is what I did , sort of, I dont do weight I do minimum strenth training like pushups maybe and squats n stuff, but mostly cardio becauae with cardio you lose weight faster I guess so I am doing that until I get within 5lbs of my goal then I will start to add weights to try to get more toned and ad more muscle. i guess he is telling you right now just focus on cardio to lose the weight because if u keep doing weights ur gonna be adding muscle and weight that way...idk just a thought

    I have been working out on and off for years. During the tae bo days is when i did cardio and strength training. However, since then I have always done some form of weight training, even if the weights were light. I must say that i saw results on the scale when doing more cardio, but i saw better results in the mirror when weights were used.
  • pedross
    pedross Posts: 1
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