Why am I not losing weight?



  • edlanglais5
    edlanglais5 Posts: 172 Member
    Honestly? If you're losing THAT many inches...
    Screw the scale and research your body fat measurements. Just my very humble opinion.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.
  • abbierumbach9787
    abbierumbach9787 Posts: 11 Member
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?

    I'm not sure that there's any scientific proof of it, but it is said that sometimes our fat cells will fill with water temporarily and at some point will release the water resulting in a scale drop. The water takes up less space than the fat while weighing a similar amount as the fat. The rapid drop in weight is often called a "whoosh" and is commonly seen after your fat starts to feel more squishy.
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?

    I second the guess of water weight. If it's only been 3 weeks since the scale changed, that could be water weight fluctuations masking your true weight loss. Time of the month can also really make your weight fluctuate so unfortunately it sometimes takes a full cycle to actually see how much weight you're losing. If you haven't already, I recommend recording your weight in an app like Libra. I downloaded it when I was feeling like my weight was stuck, but it calculated the trend for me and it turns out that I was losing, it was just slower than I thought. (And that reminds me of another question: is your weight EXACTLY the same every day or some days up or down a pound?)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?

    I'm not sure that there's any scientific proof of it, but it is said that sometimes our fat cells will fill with water temporarily and at some point will release the water resulting in a scale drop. The water takes up less space than the fat while weighing a similar amount as the fat. The rapid drop in weight is often called a "whoosh" and is commonly seen after your fat starts to feel more squishy.

    I'm a whoosher. Not much happens for a while, and then I have a night or two where I have to go to the bathroom once or twice, and every morning after that I'm lighter and it kind of stays like that until the next whoosh.
  • abbierumbach9787
    abbierumbach9787 Posts: 11 Member
    Blitzia wrote: »
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?

    I second the guess of water weight. If it's only been 3 weeks since the scale changed, that could be water weight fluctuations masking your true weight loss. Time of the month can also really make your weight fluctuate so unfortunately it sometimes takes a full cycle to actually see how much weight you're losing. If you haven't already, I recommend recording your weight in an app like Libra. I downloaded it when I was feeling like my weight was stuck, but it calculated the trend for me and it turns out that I was losing, it was just slower than I thought. (And that reminds me of another question: is your weight EXACTLY the same every day or some days up or down a pound?)

    Sometimes up a pound/down a pound.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    I took a look through a couple weeks in June and then this last week. It doesn't look to me like you are *weighing* your food items. You have repeating entries that are always identical. Are you weighing things to the exact same oz every time you have them? Fast food/meals out are always going to be off. I see a lot of room where you can tighten up your logging to get the scale moving down for you again.

    Repeating entries - I always measure out my sunbutter, my turkey and shakes. Those are the main repeaters that I can think of off hand, which I know are measured. How else can I tighten it up? Thanks!!

    Are you weighing or measuring your sunbutter? If measuring, you could be off by many calories.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited July 2017
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    doesnt mean its muscle gain. losing inches means losing fat and for the scale not to budge she would have to gain equal amounts of muscle for fat lost and it doesnt work that way.it would be really hard to gain that much muscle unless eating in a surplus and it would take awhile to do, not to mention if she was eating in a surplus she would not be losing fat she would be gaining it too.

    Ok. Makes sense - then why isn't my scale moving even with a big inch loss? How is that explained?

    it just happens that way sometimes, when I first started losing weight I was losing inches like crazy and the scale wasnt budging. even now the scale has only moved 0.4 lb in the last month, before that it didnt move at all for 3 months. Im losing fat in areas I cant really measure but the scale isnt moving much if at all most of the time. I know its not muscle because Im in a deficit most days.I go months without the scale moving but the fat is coming off. I only have 20+ lbs to lose too so its a lot slower.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    Why aren't you earing gluten, dairy and sugar?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Nah, not muscle unless you're doing a heavy progressive lifting program and eating in a surplus. Muscle is very hard to gain for us females. I laugh whenever I see "oh it must be muscle" as I've been lifting for 2 years and have gained a little muscle, but lots of strength. A few seem to think muscle gain is easy. It's SO not easy. Nope. In the beginnings of a lifting/bodyweight program, the muscles will swell. This is not muscle gain.

    I think you need to tighten your logging. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid. Yes, even prepackaged food.
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    Why aren't you earing gluten, dairy and sugar?
    I'd like to know as well! Are you intolerant?
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited July 2017
    If you've lost 14 inches, then you ARE losing fat and gaining muscle. That's why the scale hasn't budged. Why did you seem to scoff at the previous commenter who suggested that? One would expect you to be gaining muscle working out as much as you are.

    She will of course be gaining strength. That's not the same as your muscles getting bigger/heavier. My understanding is that if you start out unfit, your muscles can get quite a bit stronger during training, but not much heavier. To gain actual muscle mass, you need to be eating extra calories, as that extra mass has to come from somewhere.

    I have also heard that it is possible to get some "beginner gains" in muscle mass, even in a deficit, but that they are very limited (and probably only possible by burning extra fat in order to supply energy for muscle gain, so I can't imagine you'd actually see much difference on the scale from a gain like that).
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    FooleryTim wrote: »
    You're probably just putting on muscle.

    Not at 1400 calories a day. Physically impossible.
  • abbierumbach9787
    abbierumbach9787 Posts: 11 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    cavia wrote: »
    I took a look through a couple weeks in June and then this last week. It doesn't look to me like you are *weighing* your food items. You have repeating entries that are always identical. Are you weighing things to the exact same oz every time you have them? Fast food/meals out are always going to be off. I see a lot of room where you can tighten up your logging to get the scale moving down for you again.

    Repeating entries - I always measure out my sunbutter, my turkey and shakes. Those are the main repeaters that I can think of off hand, which I know are measured. How else can I tighten it up? Thanks!!

    Are you weighing or measuring your sunbutter? If measuring, you could be off by many calories.

    I am - but good thought!