Mother of 5, just started calorie counting.


I am so excited to have found this app. I am a mother of 4 teen girls, and an 11yr old boy. I'm in my early 40s and I am determined to lose weight for myself. I never calorie counted before so I'm quite excited to give it a try. I'm hoping to lose at least 30-40lbs. If anyone has good advice please let me know. I've started my weight loss journey at the end of June, when a saw a picture of myself and I couldn't believe I let myself go. I know do taebo at least 6 days of week and just added weight lifting along with my daily work outs.

Thanks for letting me share my story.

<3<3<3 Kimberly


  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member
    Plus..I used to be addicted to diet Coke. I've stopped drinking last month, and I try to drink lots and lots of water. Hopefully that will help with my weight loss!!! ;)
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Hi welcome!

    Diet soda doesn't hinder weight loss as it's no calories.
  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member
    I hear it makes you crave sweets. Thanks for the welcome.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I hear it makes you crave sweets. Thanks for the welcome.

    It never has for me and it's never hindered anything... I need my Diet Dr Pepper or else someone gets cut... lol
  • SimplyDe1967
    SimplyDe1967 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome Kimberly!
  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member
  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member
    I hear once you get off diet Coke you lose weight. I've worked out before but never without diet Coke or calorie counting. I'm very excited and ready to finally feel good about myself again.
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    Hi welcome! I personally think that artificial sweeteners aren't so great- but it shouldn't affect you too much, unless you are trying to get into ketosis. I've only recently started to count calories also. Just remember that without a scale, we tend to under-estimate alot. I don't measure on scales, so I will purposely over-estimate a bit on my calculations. That way I will end up on a slight deficit (if any. )
  • Havamal71
    Havamal71 Posts: 19 Member
    I was a Diet Coke addict myself for years. I always thought that "hey, no calories - no worries" but once I dropped the soda altogether I physically felt better. My doctor said that it was due to all the other chemical type substances that they use for ingredients... there is a reason Coke will dissolve a nail!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    So much woo here... diet soda does not affect weight loss. It's 0 calories and there are chemicals in everything.
  • KirbySmith46
    KirbySmith46 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi welcome!

    Diet soda doesn't hinder weight loss as it's no calories.

    So much woo here... diet soda does not affect weight loss. It's 0 calories and there are chemicals in everything.

    Have you seen the long term studies on drinking soda?

    Are you Saying that soda is just as good for you as water?

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi welcome!

    Diet soda doesn't hinder weight loss as it's no calories.

    So much woo here... diet soda does not affect weight loss. It's 0 calories and there are chemicals in everything.

    Have you seen the long term studies on drinking soda?

    Are you Saying that soda is just as good for you as water?

    Yes I have and artificial sweeteners have been studied to death and they have been found safe.
  • ferrox22
    ferrox22 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Kimberly and welcome, like you I had an epithany earlier this year, wanted to loose 3 stone/42lbs, which I have now done
  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats..I hope I stick with it this time..
  • ferrox22
    ferrox22 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks, 75% of my reply didn't post !! Advice
    Use scales to weigh food/ingredients and log foods as accurately as possible
    A little treat now & again does no harm - you've earnt it
    Don't get despondent if you don't loose or plateau for a few weeks
    I do more cardio work rather than weights i.e. Walking, cycling, rowing
    You'll find plenty of support on here,
    Good luck on your journey
    Regards, John
  • Sunshine6909
    Sunshine6909 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Kimberly, welcome to MFP.
    I'm in my 40s but no kids. I love this ap and have lost 23.5 lbs since the beginning of May. Still have a long way to go! :-)
  • KimberInArizona
    KimberInArizona Posts: 18 Member