Friends for motivation and support - 50-80lbs +

I'm looking for friends to add. I have 80+ lbs to lose so just looking for some friends online for motivation.


  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have about 40-50 more to go. Would love to be apart of your journey!
  • BrianaCalhoun
    BrianaCalhoun Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am looking to lose 80+ lbs as well and I would love to be a part of the group!!
  • ohimjustabrat
    ohimjustabrat Posts: 9 Member
    I have a lil over 100 more to lose and could definitely use more friends. Love to be part of everyone's journeys! Feel free to add me as well. :)
  • Volbeat79
    Volbeat79 Posts: 185 Member
    I have 50+ pounds to go also. Please add me. I'm not as angry as my photo may lead you to believe.
  • katie4285
    katie4285 Posts: 19 Member
    Would love the support as well! I need 65 gone ! Add me!
  • chuck6w
    chuck6w Posts: 72 Member
    Feel add me. Im trying to loose about 50 to 70 pounds as well.
  • yericv
    yericv Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! Add me too
  • tdaniels54
    tdaniels54 Posts: 55 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I've lost 70 lbs over a period of 12 years, the last 20 over the last year. I'm trying to maintain 125 lbs and have to track daily otherwise I put weight back on. I understand the struggles associated with weight loss and maintenance. You have my support.
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me! Like others, I have about 50 pounds to go :)
  • steinst2
    steinst2 Posts: 2 Member
    Please feel free to add me too! I'm down around 70 lbs myself but I still have about 50 more to go.
  • Cramerrachel92
    Cramerrachel92 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the process of losing about 70+ pounds. Would also love the support and motivation. Feel free to add me as well
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Feel add me. I'm trying to lose about 50 + pounds as well.
  • alsm1892
    alsm1892 Posts: 8 Member
    I'll add you I have about 80
  • cpacan
    cpacan Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, my goal is to lose 50 lbs. This is my third MFP round, the pic is from the latest succesful one. I found that accountability is working, so feel free to add me :-)
  • SelfLove2point0
    SelfLove2point0 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me.... anyone and everyone. I try to give support & motivation daily (=
  • hippymama22
    hippymama22 Posts: 11 Member
    Add me! I'm looking to lose the same, down 29 lbs so far! Yay
  • laurenmisja
    laurenmisja Posts: 9 Member
    Same! Down 20 from when I started, have at least 30 to go