P90X vs 30DS

Hey I was just wondering if anybody knew of anywhere to get P90X cheaper than $140. I dont have $140 to spend on it but would really like to try the work out. Ive seen everyones success stories and would like to have one of my own!
If anybody knows any where that sells it cheaper or knows of anybody selling it, please let me know!

I planned on starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on August 1st.
Would you recommend P90X or 30DS?


  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    P90X. More intense and IMO you get better results. Not sure where to get a discounted P90X set... Try looking on eBay (my friend got his @ $70).
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    There is no comparison. P90X is a million times better.

    I found Jillian's moves really hard on my knees and back and she is just obnoxious! lol
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    Do you know anyone that previously used either of the dvd sets that you can borrow from?

    Also, I didn't do 30DS but I don't think you can expect the results to be better than P90X considering P90X is 3 times longer.
    Insanity beats all IMO however. ;)
  • AdoreZel
    AdoreZel Posts: 63
    You can try oodle.com I got turbo fire from there for REALLY cheap.
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Try craigslist for your city. A lot of people are selling theirs.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    Why don't you try to download it for free!! Just google it. I did so with 30ds and with yoga meltdown both by Jillian.
  • x3vanessaxo
    x3vanessaxo Posts: 23 Member
    You can try oodle.com I got turbo fire from there for REALLY cheap.

    Do you like turbo fire? i think it looks really fun!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member

    (Free) :P No download needed :P
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Also, the two don't compare. p90X is crazy!! I am scared of it! LoL
  • realdisco
    realdisco Posts: 9
    I don't think you can really compare the two. I'm in the middle of 30DS and it's basically a DVD of 3 different 20 minute workouts. There is Level 1, 2, and 3 workouts, but they all consist of compound strength, ab, and cardio circuits. No rest, very intense.
    If your nutrition is in order, it would probably be impossible not to see results.
    The recommendation is to do the workout 5 days per week, but I don't think that gives enough muscle recovery time. I've been alternating with less intense cardio or kickboxing DVDs, doing 30DS 3 or 4 times per week.
    I've also been using heavier weights than the suggested 3-5 pound dumbells (it depends on where your strength is at. Use whatever feels challenging to you, but not so heavy that you can't keep up).

    Just leave out the jumping and go easier if you have problems with your back or knees, etc.

    I have a friend who's in the middle of P90X, and it sounds like there are different workouts everyday. Everything from cardio to strength, to yoga. Plus it's intended for 90 days.

    However, you can't really compare the two. Sounds like they both have a different approach.
    Can't hurt to give 30DS a try, it's much cheaper. You could certainly spread the 3 levels of 30DS over 90 days....it's hard enough and you can up your weights.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    From what I've heard about the difficulty level, I'd start with 30 Day Shred first, then move to Jillian's Ripped in 30. After you do those, you can get a program called Supreme 90 that's supposed to be equally intense as PX90 and equally good and it's available for 19.99 at Traget for 10 different DVDs. That's what I intend to try after Ripped in 30 and I've previewed one of the DVDs and it looks very intense and fast-paced.
  • SafariLara
    SafariLara Posts: 172

    (Free) :P No download needed :P

    I just checked out this page and it's AMAZING! even insanity and Zumba are on there! Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I've been wanting to try them but didn't want to dish out hundreds of dollars for them. Awessssoome
  • mattcduncan
    Check out Amazon- people sell brand new P90x on there for cheap cheap under the Used section.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    From what I've heard about the difficulty level, I'd start with 30 Day Shred first, then move to Jillian's Ripped in 30. After you do those, you can get a program called Supreme 90 that's supposed to be equally intense as PX90 and equally good and it's available for 19.99 at Traget for 10 different DVDs. That's what I intend to try after Ripped in 30 and I've previewed one of the DVDs and it looks very intense and fast-paced.
    This. I did 30 day shred for a while with increasing weights, then banish fat boost metabolism (plyo), insanity, and then p90x. My best results were with 30 day shred, i think cause that was the beginning and after insanity I didn't feel my heart rate was being challenged with p90x. It's a great well rounded program though, with lots of strength training and a little cardio.

    Overall, I'd recommend Jillian Michaels stuff, interlaced with beach body programs
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Personally I'd say P90x. It's got varied workouts so it mixes it up a little so you don't get bored. I'd also consider which trainer you think you could listen to everyday. If you can't stand the trainer it won't be easy to motivate yourself to workout.
  • mattcduncan

    (Free) :P No download needed :P

    AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! Great solution for traveling if you have a computer everywhere you go!! and its all free!!
  • ericaolsen
    I did the 30DS for about 2 weeks, but stopped because I got bored of doing the same routine everyday. I'm doing the P90X now and I love it as it's constantly changing things up and it's A LOT more intense and you will see much more drastic results.

    All you have to go is type in the video you want to do in google and you can find them. That's how I do it; you don't have to pay all that money!