Walking and Nervous

Tomorrow I want to take my pup on a walk. Unfortunately, the last time I tried my back muscle completely seized on me and it took weeks to recover. I am now able to do the Wii Fit Free Step for 2 30 minute segments a day without any twinges, so I'm thinking maybe I could walk on the hard concrete... But I am SCARED! I dread being in the amount of pain I was in before.

I know I am stronger now... I guess I just need some support... Which is sad since it is for something so basic as walking...


  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    ?? Did you have an injury? How about you go for it, make sure you have good shoes, take it slow, and retreat at the first twinge?
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    I say all you can do is try and if you're in too much pain, don't push it. But you may feel ok and be glad you did it. Plus, the puppy wants to get out too so give it a try and see how it goes with a light walk!! And hopefully any fear of pain will go away too!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Baby steps! Try it for 5 minutes, then 10 then build up from there.
    And maybe leave the puppy at home (sad I know!) for the first few times till you are feeling more confident. You don't want any extra pressure pulling you in all directions if you have an injury.
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    ?? Did you have an injury? How about you go for it, make sure you have good shoes, take it slow, and retreat at the first twinge?

    I was bedridden from the end of March to the middle of June with a mix of Pneumonia and a disease in my lungs called Sarcoidosis. I didn't realize how badly the muscle in my back had atrophied during that time since I have always been pretty sedentary.

    Illness-wise I am totally fine, just stuck taking Prednisone for a few more months. Physically, I'm twitchy and want to exercise outside!!!