Grab and Go Breakfasts?



  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I feel like the protein shake and cheese stick are probably your best (and safest) option while driving.
  • Montgomeryi9
    Montgomeryi9 Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely eggs, I made them on Sunday for the week using an egg maker like this one (not selling this particular product, but it's what I use) it's an awesome way to prepare for the week. That or protein shakes in the vitamix. maker&portal-device-attributes=desktop&qid=1501014718&ref_=sr_1_2&sr=8-2
  • Fallfrenzy
    Fallfrenzy Posts: 118 Member
    I made some protein pancake muffins this week. It's a matter of finding a recipe that you like. I included either blueberries or dark chocolate chips in mine and these can be frozen.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    For health, I suggest something radical: Spend 10 more minutes, prepare breakfast, any breakfast, and eat it at home, sitting down.

    Assuming that's even possible. When I was working overtime I was gone 18 hours a day and scarcely had time to pack tv dinners and fruit without sacrificing sleep.

    And in all fairness, I don't know who can eat and prepare breakfast in ten minutes, but I can't. Eating breakfast at home adds another 30 minutes to my morning which I simply don't have with my commute, the gym, and work.

    I eat at my desk and OP if you could eat at work I would recommend doing that instead.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    edited July 2017
    My easiest go-to's for breakfast:
    Greek yogurt + oats
    Yogurt + protein powder + oats
    protein bar + peanut butter (I usually just have a cheaper basic Clif bar, but that has much less protein).

    Your go-to choice sounds pretty good. Just add some fiber in somewhere later on in the day (the only thing it's missing). (My usual quick breakfast options don't have much either).
  • joshua0305
    joshua0305 Posts: 4 Member
    I use a ninja and put frozen fruit in it with my non flavored protein with unsweetened green tea for a little kick. Set it in the fridge and all you have to do is blend it and put the drinking lid on not even 2 min time for about 300 calories and 50 grams of protein.
  • kaygeebozzz
    kaygeebozzz Posts: 69 Member
    In terms of what's easy to eat while driving, some great suggestions have already been dropped -- hard boiled eggs, protein or oat balls (many are no-bake, usually some combination of an edible meal flour like coconut or hazelnut with protein powder and oats/seeds/nuts and some kind of sticking agent like honey).

    I like mini quiches, easy to put in a zip lock and take with you and really need no baking acumen. Another thing I was doing for a bit was making millet egg squares.

    Your meal of a shake and cheese though, other than not being whole foods, is actually pretty healthy. Hopefully some of the options on this thread provide you with some alternatives -- I know how it is to work 16 hour days that become 20 hours with the commute, so keep up the effort to getting in a nutritious breakfast, however you manage it!
  • billiegrisdalemail
    billiegrisdalemail Posts: 7 Member
    Quark pouches. 113 calories. High protein and low fat :)
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas!! I appreciate it! :)