Getting started, need motivation!

Misohappi81 Posts: 30 Member
edited July 2017 in Getting Started
Hey guys!!! I'm 5'2, 35 and 160 lbs. I once weighed 137 post partum after my second child! I don't know how I've let myself go, as I use to enjoy running. Recently I saw a picture of myself and that was NOT how I saw myself in my head! Lol So here I am on my second week in of logging my food and going to
the gym. I've been working on strength training (an hour) with a little bit of cardio (about 30 min). Changing habits is difficult and I am in need of motivational support! Anyone know of any groups or forums that might be supportive?? Or if you could just post progress pics of where you're at or how far you've come would be greatly appreciated and so inspirational for me! Thanks in advance!


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Welcome Misohappi81! There is a board on here called Success Stories which would give you loads of pics of successful losers. The pinned topics at the top of this board has tips that will be helpful to you. I've lost 86 pounds and can tell you the best thing I did was to change my lifestyle and that happened one step at a time. I cut back to the suggested calories and in a couple months I started walking. In my case I was in much worse shape than you are so I couldn't take on too much in the beginning. I'm also much older than you are, lol. Anyway just work at it slowly and don't think of it as a diet. It is really a lifestyle change. If you do that you will be on your way to getting back down to a healthy weight. Good luck.
  • Misohappi81
    Misohappi81 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you so much for the info! I'm new to this so I'm still navigating my way through everything and everyone is so helpful! You're story definitely makes me feel like I can do it too! It's hard at first and surely a change I've never made at my attempts before. One pound is hard to lose lol so I can't imagine 86! That's awesome! Thank you for your story and kind words! Keep up the good work! :)