Any other working moms out there?

Trying to manage working FT , 5 kuds and healthy eating. Would love a friend in a similar situation.
PM me if interested.


  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I don't have 5 kids, but I am a full time working, two hour a day commuting mom.
  • SkinnyAviva
    SkinnyAviva Posts: 6 Member
    Even one kid makes you a mom
  • SkinnyAviva
    SkinnyAviva Posts: 6 Member
    That's a lot of commuting!
    How do you manage preparing healthy food?
  • ColetteD80
    ColetteD80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm off on maternity leave. Returning to work soon full time. Just moved so will be commuting too with my baby every day. 5 children... That's exercise in its self. Since being off work I've put on some weight.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have 5 kids (3 bio and 2 stepkids) and work from home full time. I sit most of the day. I just started back on program
  • SkinnyAviva
    SkinnyAviva Posts: 6 Member
    I find dinner time difficult as I often cook things I don't want to be eating. Any tips?
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    Lawd, I am struggling w/ my 2...I can't imagine 5! Feel free to add me!

    I also have to cook for a picky kid and a picky husband. I find myself eating a lot of side salads or roasted vegetables in addition to whatever I'm fixing them. Like, last night I made spaghetti and meatballs. Not exactly what I would make if it was just me. But I made a huge salad and also made some spaghetti squash in addition to regular pasta. So, even though we had meatballs and such, it wasn't a high calorie dinner for me.

    It's all about planning ahead of time. (Which I suck at, but I'm working on it)
  • That_Country_Girl82
    That_Country_Girl82 Posts: 122 Member
    Yes ma'am. I work full time, full time college student at 12 hours a week that's Monday- Thursday. I leave at 7 am and get home at 11pm. I also have 2 boys and have to study about 36 hours a week. I understand it is so hard. I am tired and just want to sleep.
  • amirismylove
    amirismylove Posts: 1 Member
    i am a single mom, working full-time.... i find it easy to meal prep my food out for 3 to 4 days on a sunday i cook every 3 -4 days. its not easy but it works. Have any of you ever heard of advocare?

    They offer a good on the go line for people who are busy and alway on the go and it helps you reach your goal, if you decide on purchasing you get workout routine for home and gym as well as a nutrition guide simple home meals that even the kids can eat my 3 year old is picky and he enjoys the food!!. We all have goals, we have to just keep pushing one day at a time ladies.

  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    Full time working mom with a 10 month old and a husband who is hardly ever home. I meal plan our dinners for 2 weeks at a time, partially prep each dinner the night before, and get my workout after the baby is in bed. Super hectic but it works for me right now.
  • noirelb
    noirelb Posts: 216 Member
    Full time working mom as well! I have a 14 month old and commute 45 min in the morning and 45 minutes after work. Sometimes if I am not too busy on a Sunday, I will make something in the sow cooker that can last a few lunches. Otherwise my fiancé brings our son to daycare in the morning as I'm already at work, I pick up my son at daycare, cook dinner (hopefully this lasts 2 dinners), then we eat, bath time, bed time for him. I start my work out once he is in bed and get about 7 hours of sleep as well since I try to work out 1.5 hours a few times a week!

    Same as ladies above, I make generally 1 meat, 1 carb and 1 vegetable/salad. I load my plate with veggies and meat and my fiancé's plate with carbs and meat (his job is physical).

    Baby gets everything on his plate and tries it if he wants to lol

    working 7am-3pm helps a lot
  • marilynbauer
    marilynbauer Posts: 28 Member
    I am impressed by all you do. I am a working mom but I only have one child. I am trying to really commit to my food/exercise diary. In hopes of loosing some weight. I take a walk first thing in the morning, I try to walk at work during the day and I walk the dog in the evening.
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    Newly single mum of 3 (4yo and 33 month twins) , work part-time, commute an hour either way, although I'm trying to change this, so spending time at night applying for jobs.
    I need to stop eating the kids left-overs and try to exercise more. I'm hoping that I can do an exercise DVD at night and be strict with my calories, I've got about 40lbs to lose :o
  • estow1128
    estow1128 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a working mom with 5 boys.... ages 1 year to almost 11. I have just started on this weight loss journey 3 weeks ago today. I have lost 13.6 lbs so far. I've given up soda, started eating a ton of veggies, cut down on carbs and switched from coffee with cream and sugar to green tea with a touch of sugar.
  • InesFit4Health
    InesFit4Health Posts: 9 Member
    Single mom of a almost 2 year old, i work FT so managing to find time is the biggest challenge!

    I found something things that worked though. I've lost 43 pounds so far since last year but the bulk (ha!) of it Jan- May 2017 about 30 this year. Going from size 16 to 8!

    What helped me so far:

    - I started cooking really healthy when my son started eating solids because I wanted to only feed him fresh homemade foods (trying to give him a healthy start and hope it sticks!). When he started to be interested with what's on my plate I realizsd I had to clean up my act too! Basically I now eat the same quality food I make for him.

    - Meal prep is a HUGE help, you can plan some meals in advance.

    - Get rid of all the junk in the house. If you don't have it in the house you can't eat it. For me the biggest problem is I can't just have 1 cookie or one slice of pizza it's ALL or nothing. I still struggle when I try to have a cheat meal to not make it a cheat day and go overboard.

    My kitchen staples are:
    Organic Kale, spinach avocados,
    beans, lentils, hummus, brown rice, quinoa, carrots, broccoli, sweet potato, peas and corn, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Fruits I keep are berries, apples, pears and bananas. I have the occasional grass fed beef or free range organic chicken, it's more expensive but we don't need it everyday, once a week or so we share a can of tuna.
    - I make a mix of chia seeds, flax seed meal, wheat germ and throw it into everything (mix them into a big mason jar and keep on fridge for easy access)
    - I don't drink soda or juice. Water or green tea and sometimes coffee.

    - was doing 10k steps a day. Small things add up so I take plenty of breaks at work to stretch legs. I take him for walks ! I can bring him along so it's one activity I can do with him.
    - On rainy days I would dance in my kitchen after he would go to sleep
    - Gym for weights x2 a week.

    Last few months:
    Been on a plateau since June. I started having more cheat days, (weekends) working out less and I've stayed stuck. So I am kicking myself in the rear to get back on track and joined myfitnesspal.

    In the last two weeks:
    - I am focusing more on weight training X3 a week and try to do something enjoyable on "rest days" like swimming in local pool or go walking. No hard core cardio, I am hoping the weight training and building lean muscle will help most.
    - main issue now is when I work out I get ravenously hungry so it's a balance to not devour everything in site and not give into temptation to go get something bad.
    - Getting back to my meal Preps, struggling w the cheat meals/days or snacks at work.

    I just basically wrote a novel but I wanted to share what has worked for me Jan-May to lose slow but steady weighy while I did my introductions.