Struggling :(

DaniH81 Posts: 3
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
Ok, so I started off full of optimism and great intentions but I seem to have drifted off that path :(
I began my new regime with a friend who has since discovered she is pregnant and so has completely ditched the healthy eating and only comes swimming with me on the odd occasion. This wouldn't be a problem had I the nerve to go alone....which I don't. I am mega self-conscious and just don't think I could do it! I wish I could.

Anyway...when I'm at work (2 days a week) everything's A-OK because I am kept occupied and so have less time to think about eating. I subscribe to the Graze boxes which I find are a massive help! The other 5 days are tricky. I start off well but then find myself snacking on bad things & making excuses for it. I eat the same amount as my partner who has the world's fastest metabolism and is super-skinny. Thankfully I think my 7 month old has inherited this gene!

I really, really wanna lose some noticeable weight before Oct 26 as this is when I turn 30. I gave up smoking 6 days ago and I don't think this makes it any easier but I don't want to make excuses. I am an emotional eater so any tips, advice, motivation would be welcomed with open (flabby) arms :)

Danielle xx


  • Best wishes, please don't give up! This is a great tool. It requires effort, but it is worth it.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hi Danielle,

    It's never gonna be as easy taking it off as it is putting it on :(

    BUT you get great support here, feel free to add me if you like - I'm in Manchester and I'm just guessing from your lingo that you're in the UK too?

  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Ok, so I started off full of optimism and great intentions but I seem to have drifted off that path :(
    I began my new regime with a friend who has since discovered she is pregnant and so has completely ditched the healthy eating and only comes swimming with me on the odd occasion. This wouldn't be a problem had I the nerve to go alone....which I don't. I am mega self-conscious and just don't think I could do it! I wish I could.

    Anyway...when I'm at work (2 days a week) everything's A-OK because I am kept occupied and so have less time to think about eating. I subscribe to the Graze boxes which I find are a massive help! The other 5 days are tricky. I start off well but then find myself snacking on bad things & making excuses for it. I eat the same amount as my partner who has the world's fastest metabolism and is super-skinny. Thankfully I think my 7 month old has inherited this gene!

    I really, really wanna lose some noticeable weight before Oct 26 as this is when I turn 30. I gave up smoking 6 days ago and I don't think this makes it any easier but I don't want to make excuses. I am an emotional eater so any tips, advice, motivation would be welcomed with open (flabby) arms :)

    Danielle xx

    Wow, gave up smoking too! Now that's will power! You should be damn proud of yourself. Do you HAVE to go swimming? Can you do a DVD at home? Walk around the block? I completely understand the self consciousness, as I'm sure many of us do, so the first thing I would suggest is to do things you can do at home.
    As for the snacking, get rid of the junk. Your partner should understand the problem here and be ok with you not having it in the house. Picking is partially habit, and partially boredom. What you need to do is break the habit with something that will not make you bored :) This is also a way to help you with your not smoking, btw!
    What I do is, every time I want to head to the fridge, I do squats or lunges all the way in. And then touch the fridge, turn around and do it all the way back to my seat. It keeps your mind off the food, gets some exercise in, and is a quick boredom fix at the same time.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like some additional support. I love to help! :) In any case, best of luck to you!
  • mike737
    mike737 Posts: 68
    You can do it. Its tough to get into the swing of things but once you've there its just about staying focused.

    once i'd lost a few pounds and some inches i got really focused.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from! But you really going to have to dig deep and think about who are you trying to get healthy for. I had friends who was all for the healthy lifestyle at first but they drifted off and I'm a person who hates to do anything by myself but, then I realize this is something I have to do for myself. So, now I go to the gym alone and I do my daily walks alone of course it would be nice to have someone to share all of these workouts with but, I can't wait until they decide they really need a healthy lifestyle too. So load up your Ipod with some great tunes and go for it! :wink:
  • I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to do excercise on your own. Im 260lbs and iam beyond self conscious but iv started to realise that when i go to the gym yes i might jiggle about and look sweaty and awful who the hell cares everyone else in the entire gym are feeling the same way or just dont care there thinking bout what to watch on telly when they get home or what to have for tea. You are thinking about what you look like alot more than they are.Just be proud of yourself!

    I may be 260lbs but i can run on the treadmill and i may look like a sack of potatos but i genuinly dont care and neither should you.

    vicky x
  • Don't give up! I know it's easier said then done but think of all you've accomplished so far. You gave up smoking which is awesome and you had the sheer strength to join this site because you want to make a positive change in your life. Try to talk to your husband to see if he can be your exercise buddy. I know you mentioned that he's thin but everyone could use a good workout. You want to look and feel your healthiest when you turn 30 (which I completely understand as that's my goal too!) so focus on all the positive things you've got going for yourself. Maybe you could pick up a couple more days at work? It could help with your boredom and I'm sure the extra cash wouldn't hurt. Or you could get involved in some kind of hobby that you can turn to when you want to eat mindlessly. I heard a great quote "Anyone can do it when they want to but what are you going to do when you don't want to?" Everyone struggles at one point or another, hang in there and the end result will pay off!!!
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi Danielle,
    Don't give up!! This is a great site and it's helped me on my journey to becoming a fitter person. I am only at the start but I too gave up smoking when I first started on here (three months ago). It helped me to avoid putting on weight (which I had done with previous efforts) and I have lost over a stone. I wonder if some of your negative feelings are coming from withdrawal from nicotine rather than anything else? Could you do something really nice for yourself (haircut/nails done...) to cheer yourself up? Whatever you do, don't smoke. You are doing so well having stopped for this long. Try to keep up with MFP too. The exercise will help lift you mood. Try walking or doing a dvd at home if you are self conscious. Best of luck and add lots of friends on here for motivation. Best wishes.
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