What supplements do you take?

summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
edited 12:01PM in Food and Nutrition
Do you take anything to help with general health or aid in weight loss? I feel like I'm taking a handful of things, but I do feel better when I take them. But I'm always looking for better options.

• Complete multi-vitamin
• Spirulina tablets
• Apple cider vinegar tablets
• Amazing Grass powder
• Hemp protein powder


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Right now only taking a Multivitamin
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Just iron tablets at the moment!
  • Melissajojo3
    Melissajojo3 Posts: 100
    when on a diet, its best to take multivitamins since your body works hard, and eats healthy you still need all your vitamins :)
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    My supplements are : Vegetables and fruits. There's no better supplements than fresh vegetables and fruits, pills are not a good choice.

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  • TrinaXL
    TrinaXL Posts: 39 Member
    women's multi vitamin and a fibre supplement. Sometimes I take royal jelly when I'm a little low on the mood spectrum
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Vitamins and fiber supplement. I'd love to not take pills however with young ones and IBS my body needs little more than what I can cram in food wise.
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
    My supplements are : Vegetables and fruits. There's no better supplements than fresh vegetables and fruits, pills are not a good choice.

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    Agreed. I was told by a healthcare professional that unless you are deficient or have underlying health issues there is no need to take a multivitamin/supplement.

    That said I do take Udo's Choice probiotics and Chromium (as advised by said healthcare prof.)

    I also take fish oils as Ive noticed they seem to make my moods happier!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    CL White Flood + CL Green Mag (Pre-Workout + Creatine Chelate) - I train fasted so this gives me energy without calories
    Scivation Xtend BCAA's - For recovery
    Orange Triad Multi - A to Z plus Joint and Flex, Plus Digestion, Plus Immunity
    CL Fish Oil
    Magnum Quattro 4 stage Isolate Protein - For when I can't get the protein I need from whole foods
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I don't take anything, I don't think I need them, I think I have a pretty good varied diet. I really can't see any need to buy anything other than good food.
  • shoppy0430
    shoppy0430 Posts: 1 Member
    Just a multi & a b complex.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I have deficiencies so my doctor has me on 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D once a week. I also take a multi, Vitamin C, Zinc, a Vitamin B Complex and Potassium.

    With Celiac disease I don't absorb nutrients as well so I need extras.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I used to be a supplement junkie. Up to 50 pills a day! That was before the invention of the internet where through research, I've found only whey protein and creatine worth anything. So that's all I take now.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I used to be a supplement junkie. Up to 50 pills a day! That was before the invention of the internet where through research, I've found only whey protein and creatine worth anything. So that's all I take now.

    Multivitamin and fish oil bro?
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Right now, just iron supplements. A lot of them. I didn't think i needed anything, until I got some basic blood work done to check on things that have been an issue in the past (blood levels and iron) and found out that my iron was rock bottom again. Which was weird, because I felt fine, just a little bit dizzy. Usually I am far sicker by that point.

    Once I get my iron back up I will be taking a multi-vitamin with iron to give myself that little bit extra every day.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    No synthetic vitamins. I take krill oil (for the EPA / DHA) and sea buckthorn oil (for my skin) once a week. That's it :)
  • As advised by my doctor before changing my eating and exercising habits he told me to be on calcium and folic acid. So I am now taking 1200 mg. of calcium and 800 mg of folic acid. I also try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because that was something else that he suggested. Hope this helps.
  • takm0527
    takm0527 Posts: 52 Member
    Multi vitamin
    Vitamin C

    Dr Rec:
    Fish oil
    Calcium w/ Vit D

    Never used to be one for vitamins until I watched Food Matters (Netflix)...great documentary if you have not seen it. Talks a lot about where our fruits and veg come from and that they can be a week old before they hit the supermarket...so unless you are buying local and eating in season you probably are not getting as many vitamins from your food as you think you are...real eye opener.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I take a Women's Multivitamin (with D3) and fish oil as advised by my doctor (I even take the advised brand).
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    My stack probably won't apply to most. It's for the cutting phase of a bulking then cutting cycle.

    Healthy diet is key, but supplements do help. Especially while cutting. After finishing 4 months of bulking I am now into my cutting phase, so I'm going from 4,000 calories per day to about 1,400 calories per day with very little carbs. The bodyfat is dropping fast, and without supplements I'd also be losing much of the muscle I gained while bulking and feeling lowsy.

    Glutamine powder; helps me preserve my muscle during this low calorie cutting phase.
    Animal Cuts; a great appetite inhibitor and metabolism booster to keep me burning calories throughout the day even while idle.
    Animal Pak; Multi-vitamin packet designed for weight-lifters.
    Fish Oil; a cheap and easy way to get healthy omega fats.
    Whey protein; a cheap and easy way to get extra protein in addition to well-balanced meals.
    Creatine; even while cutting its important to keep your muscles well-hydrated. This helps them repair and prevents soreness.
    Calcium pill; because I have to stay away from dairy to keep my calories low and without dairy calcium is hard to come by.
    Glocusamine pills; heavy lifting on a low-calorie diet can be tough on the joints. This is a cheap supplment that will prevent joint pain.
  • byukid
    byukid Posts: 55
    Multi vitamin
    Vitamin C

    Dr Rec:
    Fish oil
    Calcium w/ Vit D

    Never used to be one for vitamins until I watched Food Matters (Netflix)...great documentary if you have not seen it. Talks a lot about where our fruits and veg come from and that they can be a week old before they hit the supermarket...so unless you are buying local and eating in season you probably are not getting as many vitamins from your food as you think you are...real eye opener.

    They have done studies that show the "organic" and "local" veggies have similar nutritive contents (vitamins, minerals, etc) as the generic kind. The idea that they are nutrient-stripped is just false.
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