Training for a 10k run next year whilst on a weight loss journey

Hi everyone I'm looking for some tips on how to increase my running to get me to 10k any tips or useful advice much appreciated feel free to add me the more friends the better ☺


  • bootyful79
    bootyful79 Posts: 16 Member
    Google some training plans. Hal Higdon has some great ones.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    How far are you running now? When is your 10km run?
  • Eva_M97
    Eva_M97 Posts: 49 Member
    c210k app program exists, I'm about to try it myself but havent started yet so I don't really know... but at least the 5k version of the program has been a success for a lot of people including myself so I think the c210k would be worth looking into
  • bootyful79
    bootyful79 Posts: 16 Member
    How far are you running now? When is your 10km run?

    I am currently training for a half marathon. I used to run half and fulls all the time, but haven't done one in about 3 years. My personal advice would not to worry about pace, but look at hitting distances or time durations. As long as you are getting the miles or the time, its not going to make a difference on how fast you are going, its going to prepare you to hit your goal of completing. :)
  • RichJBenham
    RichJBenham Posts: 30 Member
    Sign up to any local "Parkruns". Whilst only 5k, they're good practice for a 10k. I did the Birmingham 10k in April and the Parkruns certainly helped.
  • kelward54
    kelward54 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for advice guys